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Why is WhatsApp archive on top?

WhatsApp archive chats have been moved to the top of the chat list in recent updates, which has caused some confusion for many users. In this article, we’ll explain what WhatsApp archive is, why archived chats were moved to the top, and how you can manage your archived chats.

What is WhatsApp Archive?

The WhatsApp archive feature allows you to organize your chats by removing conversations from your main chat list without deleting them. Archiving a chat moves it out of your primary chat list and into a separate Archived Chats section.

Archiving chats can help you:

  • Reduce clutter in your main chat list
  • Hide conversations you don’t engage with often
  • Organize your chats into active and inactive conversations

When you archive a chat, it is hidden from your main chat list. You can still find it in the Archived Chats section if you need to access it again later.

Why are Archived Chats Now on Top?

In previous versions of WhatsApp, archived chats were located at the bottom of your chat list. But in recent updates, WhatsApp made archived chats appear at the top of your chat list instead.

There are a few reasons why WhatsApp may have decided to move archive to the top:

  • Increased visibility and access to archived chats.
  • Reminder that you have archived conversations.
  • Keeps active and inactive chats separated.
  • Consistency with how other apps handle archiving.

Having archived chats at the top makes them more visible and accessible compared to when they were at the bottom. It acts as a constant reminder that you have archived conversations, in case you need to access them.

It also maintains a separation between active chats and inactive archived ones. Your most recent and active chats remain together lower in your list.

Finally, some other messaging apps display archives or inactive chats first, so it creates a more consistent experience across different platforms.

How to Manage Archived Chats

If you’re not a fan of having the archive at the top, there are a few ways to manage your archived conversations on WhatsApp:

  • Temporarily mute chats – Instead of archiving, you can mute busy group chats or conversations for 8 hours, 1 week, or 1 year. Muted chats stay in your main chat list but will not send notifications.
  • Pin important chats – Pin up to 3 specific chats to the top of your list so they stay above archived chats.
  • Use chat filters – Filter your chat list to only show unread chats, groups, or broadcast lists to hide archived chats.
  • Rename archived chats – Add a prefix like “zzz” to archived chat names so they appear at the bottom of your sorted chat list.
  • Hide the archive – Leave the archive but collapse it so archived chats are hidden from view.

While WhatsApp’s reasoning behind putting archive on top makes sense, you can use these tips to reorganize your chats the way you prefer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does archiving a chat delete it?

No, archiving a chat does not delete it. Archived chats are still saved on your phone, they are just hidden from your main chat list. You can access them anytime in Archived Chats.

Do archived chats still get new messages?

Yes, any new incoming messages will still be sent to an archived chat. But you will not get notifications for these new messages until you unarchive the chat.

Can the other person tell if I’ve archived their chat?

No, archiving is only visible on your side. Other users in the chat will not know if you have archived their conversation.

Why are my archived chats showing unread again?

If an archived chat receives a new message, it will show as unread again. Even in the archive, new messages still count as unread. You must open the chat and read the new messages for it to be marked as read.

How do I permanently delete an archived chat?

To permanently delete an archived chat on WhatsApp:

  1. Go to Archived chats and tap on the chat you want to delete
  2. Tap on the contact/group name at the top and select Delete chat
  3. Confirm deleting the chat when prompted

The chat will be erased from your archived chats and phone storage. The delete action is final.

The Pros and Cons of Archived Chats on Top

Pros Cons
Increased visibility of archived chats Can seem cluttered with archived chats on top
Clear separation between active and inactive chats Important chats may get buried under archives
Acts as a reminder you have archived conversations Muscle memory to check bottom of list
Consistency with some other messaging apps Change from how WhatsApp previously worked
Archived chats are easily accessible No option to move archive back to bottom


WhatsApp’s decision to move archived chats to the top makes them more visible and separates active versus inactive conversations. While this takes some getting used to, it ultimately helps keep your chat list organized and less cluttered.

You can use chat muting, pinning, sorting, renaming, and collapsing the archive to customize how archived chats are displayed. With some adjustments, you can find a system that works for your WhatsApp habits.