There are a few common reasons why WhatsApp calls and video chats may be greyed out and unavailable for you. The most likely culprits include having an outdated version of WhatsApp, issues with your internet connection, problems with your phone settings or hardware, reaching your call limit, or the other person having you blocked. Troubleshooting and fixing these issues is usually pretty straightforward.
Outdated WhatsApp Version
One of the first things to check is whether you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed. WhatsApp frequently releases new versions with bug fixes and features, and sometimes older versions lose functionality or develop problems.
To check your version, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Help > App info. Look at the App version field. You can then compare this to the latest version available in your device’s app store. If yours is out of date, updating to the newest version may resolve any greyed out call/video issues.
Internet Connectivity Problems
Given that WhatsApp calls and video chats rely on having a stable internet connection, any disruption to your connectivity can prevent them from working properly. Here are some things to look at:
WiFi Issues
If you’re connected to WiFi, make sure the connection is strong in your location. Move closer to your wireless router if the signal is weak where you are. Also restart your phone and router and check if that helps.
Cellular Data Problems
If using mobile data instead of WiFi, check that you have a strong 4G, 5G or LTE signal from your carrier. Limited connectivity can stop calls and video. Try moving to a location with better reception.
Some VPN apps can interfere with WhatsApp’s ability to maintain a connection for calls/video. Try disabling your VPN to see if that fixes things.
Restrictive Network
Some corporate, school or public networks actively block WhatsApp call features. Switch to a personal WiFi or cellular data if you are on a restrictive network.
Phone Settings & Hardware Issues
Phone settings, OS version, hardware faults and other device factors can also prevent WhatsApp call/video functionality:
Outdated OS
An older or unsupported operating system version may be to blame. Make sure your device is updated to the newest OS available for optimal app compatibility.
Microphone Permission
WhatsApp needs microphone access to make calls. Check that WhatsApp has permission to use your mic under your phone settings or app permissions.
Camera Access
For video chats to work, WhatsApp requires camera access on your device. Verify this is enabled in your app permissions or phone settings.
Do Not Disturb Active
If Do Not Disturb mode is activated on your phone, it can block WhatsApp calls and video. Switch off DND and try again.
Other App Conflicts
Rarely, issues with other apps interfering with WhatsApp can occur. Try deleting recently installed or suspicious apps to see if that solves it.
Phone Hardware Issue
Faulty hardware like a broken microphone or camera could be preventing WhatsApp call features from working properly. Test your device’s hardware thoroughly.
Reached Call Limit
WhatsApp limits users to 8 outgoing calls per day when using the call feature via WhatsApp servers. If you exceed this limit, calls/video will appear greyed out for the rest of the day. Wait until midnight UTC when your limit resets.
Blocked by Other User
If the person you are trying to call has blocked you on WhatsApp, the call or video chat will not go through. Any attempt will show as unavailable or greyed out for you. Ask them to unblock you to resolve this.
How to Fix Greyed Out WhatsApp Calls/Video
Based on the common culprits covered above, here are the key steps to troubleshoot and fix greyed out or unavailable WhatsApp calls and video:
Step 1
Update WhatsApp to the latest version available in your device’s app store. An outdated app can cause functionality loss.
Step 2
Check your internet connection stability and strength. Move closer to your WiFi router, disable VPN apps, or switch from public WiFi to cellular data.
Step 3
Verify WhatsApp has microphone and camera access permissions enabled on your phone. Grant permission if disabled.
Step 4
Test your phone’s hardware by making a normal voice call. Faulty mics or cameras could be the issue.
Step 5
Disable Do Not Disturb mode on your phone if activated. This can block calls and video.
Step 6
Wait until midnight UTC if you’ve hit WhatsApp’s 8 outgoing call daily limit. Limits reset at midnight.
Step 7
Ask the recipient to unblock you on WhatsApp if you are blocked. Being blocked prevents call connectivity.
Step 8
Delete recently installed apps if you think they may be conflicting with WhatsApp.
Step 9
Update your phone’s operating system to the latest version available.
Step 10
Perform a factory reset on your phone if no other steps work. Backup data first before resetting.
When to Contact WhatsApp Support
If you still can’t get WhatsApp calls or video chats working properly after exhausting the troubleshooting steps above, it’s time to reach out to WhatsApp’s official customer support for additional help.
WhatsApp provides customer support through a few different channels:
You can tweet your issue to @WhatsAppSupport to get assistance from their Twitter support team. Include details and screenshots if possible.
In-App Chat
The WhatsApp app has a built-in Chat with WhatsApp Support feature. Go to Settings > Help > Contact Us to access live chat support.
For more complex issues requiring lengthy troubleshooting, you can email WhatsApp support at [email protected] with details of your problem.
Preventing WhatsApp Call Issues
While troubleshooting greyed out calls can be frustrating, there are some preventative measures you can take to avoid these types of issues occurring in the first place:
Keep WhatsApp Updated
Install all WhatsApp updates as soon as they become available to stay on top of bug fixes.
Grant All Permissions
Give WhatsApp permission to use your phone’s microphone, camera and contacts at installation.
Maintain Your Phone
Perform regular OS updates, factory resets, and hardware testing to keep your device running optimally.
Check Connectivity
Monitor your WiFi and cellular signal strength. Move if coverage is poor. Disable VPNs when making WhatsApp calls.
Limit Outgoing Calls
Stick to less than 8 outgoing WhatsApp calls per day to avoid hitting the limit.
Be Aware of Blocking
Know if the recipient has blocked you on WhatsApp. Being blocked will prevent call connectivity.
In summary, greyed out and unavailable WhatsApp calls and video chats are usually caused by outdated apps, internet connectivity problems, restrictive networks, phone settings, hardware faults, call limits, or blocking by the other user. Following troubleshooting steps like updating WhatsApp, checking permissions, improving WiFi/cellular signal, and contacting WhatsApp support can typically resolve these kinds of issues. With the right preventative measures, you can avoid call problems happening as frequently too.
Cause | Fix |
Outdated WhatsApp version | Update to latest version |
Internet connectivity issues | Check WiFi, cellular, VPN |
Phone settings/permissions | Enable microphone, camera access |
Phone hardware faults | Test and replace faulty hardware |
Reached call limit | Wait for limit reset at midnight |
Blocked by recipient | Ask recipient to unblock you |
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are my WhatsApp calls and video chats greyed out?
The most common reasons are having an outdated version of WhatsApp, internet connectivity problems, issues with phone settings/hardware, reaching the 8 call/day limit, or being blocked by the recipient.
How can I troubleshoot greyed out WhatsApp calls?
Update WhatsApp, check your internet connection, make sure WhatsApp has microphone/camera access, test your phone’s hardware, turn off DND mode, restart your device, and check if you’re blocked.
What should I do if restarting my phone didn’t fix it?
If restarting your device didn’t work, also try updating WhatsApp, moving to an area with better WiFi/cellular signal, disabling your VPN app, and checking for any app conflicts on your phone.
Why does WhatsApp limit calls to only 8 per day?
The call limit is likely intended to reduce burden on WhatsApp’s servers and prevent abuse. The limits reset at midnight UTC each day.
Can making a WhatsApp call unblock someone who blocked me?
No, attempting a call to someone who blocked you will not unblock you. They have to manually unblock you in their WhatsApp settings.
How do I contact WhatsApp for additional support?
You can contact WhatsApp support on Twitter, through in-app chat, or by emailing [email protected] for help troubleshooting persistent issues.