If you have suddenly started receiving 6-digit codes from WhatsApp without requesting them, it likely means someone is trying to verify your phone number on a new device. This could happen for a few reasons:
Your WhatsApp Account is Compromised
The most common reason for receiving unexpected 6-digit codes is that someone else has gained access to your WhatsApp account. They are attempting to verify your number on a new device. Here are some ways this could happen:
- Your phone was lost or stolen, and the person who has it is trying to access your WhatsApp.
- Your WhatsApp account was hacked because your password was weak or exposed in a data breach.
- You clicked on a phishing link that looked like it came from WhatsApp, entering your phone number and verification code.
If you suspect your account has been compromised, you should immediately go through the process of regaining access. Start by forcing logout of all devices in your WhatsApp settings. Then reset your password if applicable. Verify your number again through SMS or a phone call to kick anyone else out of your account.
Someone Entered Your Number by Mistake
It’s also possible the texts are being sent to you by mistake. Someone may have accidentally entered your phone number when trying to access their own WhatsApp account on a new device.
This is fairly common if you have a phone number that is just one digit off from someone else’s. For example, your number is 555-123-4567 and they entered 555-123-4568. They probably realized the mistake once you did not send them the 6-digit code.
You Have a Similar Number to Someone Else
You may also receive verification codes if you have a phone number that is identical to another user except for the country code. For example:
- Your number: 1-555-123-4567 (United States)
- Their number: 44-555-123-4567 (United Kingdom)
Because the phone numbers are otherwise the same, WhatsApp’s system can sometimes become confused and send the code to both numbers. This issue most often happens if someone is traveling internationally and using their SIM card abroad.
Your Number is Being Targeted
Less commonly, unexpected verification codes could mean your phone number is being deliberately targeted for access. Criminals use various tactics like SIM swapping to try gaining control of WhatsApp accounts. With enough personal information, they can try convincing your mobile carrier to transfer your number to a new SIM card that they control.
If you have reason to believe you are being targeted, be extra vigilant about protecting your phone number and enabling security measures like two-factor authentication.
You Signed Up with a New Device
Before assuming any malicious activity, check whether you simply forgot you signed up on a new device yourself. The codes are triggered when trying to link your phone number to WhatsApp on a new phone, tablet, or computer where you’re accessing WhatsApp Web/Desktop.
If you recently got a new phone or reinstalled WhatsApp after wiping your device, you likely initiated the verification process yourself and forgot. The codes will stop once you successfully verify your number.
How to Stop Receiving Unexpected Codes
If the codes do not stop, take action to secure your account and prevent further texts:
- Log out remotely: From your account settings, remotely log out of WhatsApp on all devices.
- Change passwords: Update your WhatsApp password and any other accounts sharing that password.
- Contact WhatsApp: Use their support center to report unauthorized logins.
- Disable web access: Temporarily turn off WhatsApp Web/Desktop to prevent logins.
- Change SIM card: As a last resort, get a new SIM card number from your carrier.
When to Request Account Deletion
If someone has taken over your account and you cannot regain access, you may need to request deletion of your WhatsApp account completely:
- Contact WhatsApp support and ask them to delete your account. They will need confirmation that you are the account owner.
- Once deleted, immediately change your SIM card number to fully protect your identity and contacts.
- You can sign up for WhatsApp again with your new number.
Protecting Yourself from Future Attacks
To prevent your WhatsApp account from being compromised again, enable all of the app’s security features:
- Two-step verification: Add a PIN or password that is required to verify your number when registering on a new device.
- Account lock: Set your account to lock after a period of inactivity, requiring your PIN/password to unlock it.
- End-to-end encryption: This prevents anyone from accessing your messages without your encryption key.
- Suspicious link detection: Turn on scanning of message links for potential phishing attempts.
You should also be vigilant against potential hacking methods like SIM swapping. Take precautions like:
- Placing a port freeze or PIN lock on your mobile account to prevent unauthorized SIM transfers.
- Being cautious when contacted by someone claiming to be your mobile carrier.
- Avoiding clicking or entering personal information on suspicious links and sites.
Receiving unexpected 6-digit verification codes from WhatsApp is always a red flag that someone may be trying to access your account. Take swift action to regain control and bolster your security settings. With caution and good practices, you can avoid being locked out of your account by hijackers.