It’s happened to all of us – you open up WhatsApp to message a friend or family member, and accidentally tap the video or voice call icon instead. Before you know it, you’ve dialed their number and they’ve answered. It’s an awkward situation that many WhatsApp users have found themselves in. So what should you do if you accidentally call someone on WhatsApp? Here are some tips:
Don’t panic
First things first, try not to panic. Accidentally calling someone is not the end of the world. Take a deep breath and assess the situation. Did they even answer? If it went to voicemail you might be in the clear.
Say it was an accident
If the person answers, immediately explain that you accidentally dialed them and did not mean to call. Apologize for the mix up and say you meant to message them, not call. Most people will understand that technology mishaps happen.
Make it quick
Don’t drag on the accidental call for too long. Say you’re sorry, explain it was a mistake, exchange a few pleasantries if you want, and then say you have to go.
Don’t make excuses
Resist the urge to make excuses for the accidental call. You don’t need to explain yourself or make up reasons why you meant to call. Simply apologizing for the error should suffice.
What if they don’t answer?
If your accidental call goes to voicemail, lucky you! The easiest thing to do is hang up without leaving a message. There’s a good chance they won’t even realize you called. But if you do choose to leave a voicemail briefly explaining the call was an accident, that’s fine too. Just don’t ramble on.
Text them
Follow up with a text to the person, something casual like “Sorry about that accidental call! Meant to text you but hit the wrong button.” This shows you weren’t intentionally calling them for no reason.
Make a joke of it
To take the awkwardness out of an accidental call, try making a joke. Send a text saying something funny like “That was the world’s worst butt dial, my apologies!” or “Awkward accidental call…that’s what I get for messaging and walking.”
What to do if you keep accidentally calling someone
Mistakes happen, but if you find yourself repeatedly accidentally calling someone, take some steps to avoid it in the future:
Move the call icon
In WhatsApp, rearrange your icons so the call button isn’t right next to the message button. That way if you go to message, you won’t hit call on accident.
Pay attention
Be more mindful when opening WhatsApp to message someone. Don’t do it mindlessly while doing other tasks where you can easily hit the wrong thing.
Remove shortcuts
If you have any shortcuts or pre-programmed numbers set up, remove them. That way you can’t accidentally dial by hitting the wrong shortcut.
Turn off dial pad
Go into WhatsApp settings and disable the dial pad. This will remove the option to tap numbers and accidentally call someone.
What to do if you accidentally call someone at night
Accidentally calling at an inappropriate time like late at night or early morning is even more awkward. Here are some tips for handling this situation:
Apologize for the late call
If they answer, apologize and acknowledge it’s late. Say something like “I’m so sorry for calling so late, it was an accidental dial.” Let them know you didn’t intend to disturb them.
Make it quick
At night, keep the call very brief. Offer a quick apology for waking them, and get off the phone fast. Don’t keep them on the line making small talk when they’re trying to sleep.
Follow up the next day
Send them a text the following day apologizing again. Write something like “Just wanted to say sorry again for that late night accidental call. Didn’t mean to wake you!”
Don’t call back right away
If you get sent to voicemail, don’t immediately call back or leave a voicemail. Save your apologies for a text the next day. Calling repeatedly after an accidental night call can be very disruptive.
What to do if you accidentally call your crush
Calling your crush by mistake can be mortifying! Follow these tips to recover from an accidentally dial:
Play it cool
Don’t freak out on the call. Calmly explain it was an accidental dial and apologize. The less awkward you make it, the better.
Resist over-apologizing
Say you’re sorry and it was a mistake, but skip the dozens of apology messages. This comes off as overcompensating.
Make a joke
Inject some humor to defuse the awkwardness. After the call send a text saying something like “Well that was a good way to get your attention!” or “Butt dial to my crush…embarrassing!”
Change the subject
Transition quickly to another topic, like making plans. Say something casual like “Anyway, what are you up to this weekend?” This steers the focus away from the call mishap.
Limit contact after
Don’t inundate your crush with more calls or texts right after the accidental dial. Give both of you space to pretend it never happened.
What if you accidentally call your ex?
Calling an ex by mistake can be even more cringe-worthy. Here’s how to handle it:
No drunk calling
Never, ever drunk dial an ex. But if you do, apologize profusely and don’t try to have a long conversation.
Be direct
Clearly state the call was an error and you didn’t mean to dial them. Say something simple like “Sorry Alex, accidental dial. I apologize.”
Make it quick
Keep the call very short with an ex. Exchange a few civil pleasantries if you want, then get off the phone fast.
Do not rekindle
Resist the urge to get into relationship conversations. An accidental call doesn’t mean you should start texting or calling frequently again.
Learn from it
Figure out how you accidentally called them and rectify the issue. Delete their contact or move it out of your favorites to avoid a repeat mistake.
How to avoid accidentally calling in the future
Accidentally calling or facetiming happens to all of us. Luckily there are steps you can take to avoid these annoying mishaps:
Pay attention
When you open WhatsApp or FaceTime, pause and actually look at the screen before tapping anything. Rushed or distracted clicking often leads to errors.
Move icons around
If you keep hitting the wrong thing, rearrange your app icons. Put some separation between call, video, and message buttons.
Disable shortcuts
Turn off or delete any pre-set shortcut numbers or contacts that enable you to call or FaceTime by hitting a single button.
Turn on confirmations
Enable the “confirm call” feature which makes you confirm you actually want to call someone, adding an extra step before dialing.
Silence notifications
Silence notifications and ringtones so if you do butt dial someone, at least your phone won’t be making noise and alerting them.
What to do if someone accidentally calls you
We’ve covered what to do if you accidentally call someone else. But what if someone accidentally dials you? Here’s some advice:
Don’t take it personally
Assume positive intent and recognize it was probably just a mistake. Don’t read into it or think they meant something by it.
Laugh it off
Keep things casual and lighthearted. Many accidental calls end up being funny mishaps you can joke about, not major incidents.
Don’t embarrass them
Spare them too much awkwardness. Don’t grill them about why they called or make them feel bad.
Let them explain
Give them a chance on the call to say it was an error before you assume that’s the case. Don’t just quickly hang up on them.
Keep the call short
You want the call to end as much as they do, so don’t prolong it unnecessarily. Say hi, confirm it was an error, share a laugh if appropriate, and say bye.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you tell if someone accidentally calls you on WhatsApp?
Usually you can tell if a WhatsApp call was accidental if the person quickly says so upon answering and apologizes for the error. You might also clue in if the call cuts off after a ring or two without them saying anything.
Do accidental calls show up in call history?
Yes, any call made on WhatsApp whether accidental or on purpose will show up in your call history. The recipient’s phone will also log the accidental call in their history.
Can you see if someone declines your call on WhatsApp?
No, WhatsApp does not have a call decline feature. If someone doesn’t answer your WhatsApp call it will ring on your end until eventually reaching voicemail. You won’t know if they actively rejected the call.
Does WhatsApp notify someone if you accidentally call them?
WhatsApp does not send any special notification if someone accidentally dials you. The recipient will see that you called just like any normal incoming call. There is no way to mark a call as accidental.
Can you tell if someone accidentally facetimes you?
Usually you can tell if a FaceTime call was a mistake if the person quickly apologizes and explains they dialed by accident. Signs of an inadvertent FaceTime call include only 1-2 rings before they hang up, or hearing them say “oops” after answering.
Mistakenly hitting the call icon instead of messaging on WhatsApp happens more often than we’d like to admit! But luckily a quick apology along with some humor and not overthinking it tends to smooth over any awkwardness. Be mindful when opening messaging apps, rearrange icons if needed, and confirm calls to avoid embarrassing accidental dials in the future. So take a deep breath if you mess up, let the person know what happened, and try again being more careful about what button you hit to start a call.