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What should I write in my girlfriend status?

Determining what to write as your relationship status on social media can be tricky, especially when it comes to how to describe your girlfriend. There are many different factors to consider, from the length of your relationship, to how public you want to be, to finding the right words to appropriately sum up your feelings. Having the perfect girlfriend status can be a great way to let the world know you’re happy and in love, but it’s important to put some thought into it. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding what to write in your girlfriend status.

How Long Have You Been Together?

One of the first things to think about is the length of your relationship so far. If you just started dating your girlfriend, you probably want to keep the status simple and classic. Terms like “girlfriend” or “in a relationship” make it clear you’re off the market without being over the top. On the other hand, if you’ve been together for years, you can get more creative and romantic if you want. Consider inside jokes or heartfelt sentiments.

Here is a table comparing status ideas for new relationships vs long-term relationships:

New Relationship Long-term Relationship
In a relationship with [girlfriend’s name] She stole my heart 5 years ago and still has it – with [girlfriend’s name]
Off the market thanks to [girlfriend’s name] My soulmate, my best friend, my everything – with [girlfriend’s name]

As you can see, the longer you’ve been dating, the more freedom you have to get creative and express your deeper feelings.

How Public Do You Want to Be?

Another factor is how public you want your relationship to be on social media. If you tend to keep your romantic life more private online, stick to something simple like “In a relationship.” If you love broadcasting your couple status, feel free to get more descriptive. Just make sure you and your girlfriend are on the same page about your social media presence as a couple.

Here is a table with status examples ranging from private to public:

More Private More Public
In a relationship She’s the yogurt to my blueberries!
Off the market My angel, my partner in crime, my entire heart – with [girlfriend’s name]

The more details you include, the more your relationship becomes social media official. Make sure your girlfriend is comfortable with the level of publicity too.

Sum Up Your Feelings

The most important part of your girlfriend status is finding words that sum up your unique relationship and feelings. You want it to reflect your own inside jokes, nicknames, favorite things, or special memories. Some ideas:

– A quote or song lyric that means something to you both

– An inside joke only the two of you understand

– A cute nickname you call her

– How she makes you feel – e.g. “She’s my happy place”

– Your favorite couple activity – e.g. “My partner in crime, my dance floor queen”

– Your favorite quality about her – e.g. “My soulmate who always keeps me laughing”

– An Instagram hashtag combining your names – e.g. #MarysJohnny

The possibilities are endless. Just make it meaningful to you but not so cryptic others won’t understand it.

Considerations for What to Avoid

While deciding what to include in your girlfriend status, there are some things you may want to avoid:

– Anything too sexually explicit – keep it PG-13 at most

– Making it seem like “bragging” about dating her

– Using pet names she may not like or find embarrassing

– Inside jokes that are too cryptic – make sure there’s some context

– Anything that seems like “marking your territory” – no need for jealousy

– Song lyrics or quotes that are depressing rather than romantic

– Vaguebooking – don’t create drama by implying issues

– References to private conflicts or events without her approval

The status should make your girlfriend feel special, not uncomfortable. When in doubt, ask for her opinion to make sure she’s on board.

Some Cute Examples

To spark inspiration for the perfect status that sums up your relationship, here are some cute ideas:

– Taco Cat spelled backwards is taco cat and so are we – with [girlfriend’s name]

– I like her for her smile, her laugh, her heart – my soulmate [girlfriend’s name]

– She’s the macaroni to my cheese! With the love of my life, [girlfriend’s name]

– My favorite person to share all of life’s adventures with – [girlfriend’s name]

– My lucky charm, my angel, my everything – with the one and only [girlfriend’s name]

– From first date butterflies to forever love – with my best friend and girlfriend [girlfriend’s name]

– She’s my rock, my dreamgirl, my whole world – with [girlfriend’s name]

– I finally found the yin to my yang – in a relationship with [girlfriend’s name]

Play around with different combinations of cute sentiments, inside jokes, nicknames, and favorites until you find just the right blend.

Consider Asking Her Opinion

Once you’ve brainstormed some girlfriend status ideas, consider asking your girlfriend what she thinks. Get her input on what descriptions of the relationship resonate most and which make her feel most special. Let her tweak any wording or details. Not only will this help you create a status you both love, it shows you care about reflecting her vision of the relationship too. Compromise on something that makes you both comfortable.

Change It Up Over Time

Don’t feel locked in to keep the same girlfriend status forever. It’s normal for your relationship to evolve and for the words that best capture your feelings to change too. Try updating your status for special occasions like anniversaries or Valentine’s Day. It will keep things fresh and remind you both how your bond continues to grow. Just run any changes by your girlfriend first.


Determining the perfect girlfriend status comes down to finding the right balance between your unique relationship details, your mutual comfort level with public displays of affection, and words that genuinely reflect your feelings. Avoid anything that could make her uncomfortable or seem like oversharing. Instead, focus on your special moments and inside jokes. Ask your girlfriend for input to make sure you both love the final status before making it social media official. With the right amount of thought and care, your girlfriend status can be a sweet and authentic representation of your one-of-a-kind bond.