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What does the other person see when you block them on WhatsApp?

When you block someone on WhatsApp, it limits that person’s ability to interact with you and view certain information about your account. Here’s an overview of exactly what the other person will see if you block them on WhatsApp:

They won’t see your profile photo, last seen, or online status

If you block someone, they will no longer be able to see your profile photo, last seen status, or when you’re online on WhatsApp. All of these will appear blank or hidden to the blocked person.


  • Your profile photo will appear blank to the blocked contact.
  • Your last seen status will no longer update for the blocked person. They won’t know the last time you were active on WhatsApp.
  • The blocked person won’t see when you’re online or typing on WhatsApp.

So blocking someone gives you more privacy and prevents them from tracking certain details about your WhatsApp activity and status.

They can’t call or video call you

Once blocked, the other person will no longer be able to directly call or video call you within WhatsApp. Any voice or video calls initiated by the blocked contact will not go through to you.

Your messages will be blocked

All one-on-one messages between you and the blocked contact will stop going through in either direction.

Any messages you send to a blocked person will show as pending and never get delivered.

Similarly, you won’t receive any individual messages or calls from a blocked contact. Their messages will not be delivered to you.

They won’t see your live location

If you frequently share your live location with a contact, blocking them prevents them from continuing to view your current location on a map. The blocked person will no longer receive live location updates from you.

You won’t show up in each other’s contact lists

Once blocked, you and the blocked person will no longer appear in one another’s WhatsApp contact lists.

Your chat will disappear from the blocked person’s WhatsApp chat screen. And the blocked contact will disappear from your contacts list in WhatsApp as well.

Group interactions are limited

If you and the blocked person are both members of the same WhatsApp groups, blocking will limit your interactions in group chats:

  • You won’t see messages sent in the group by the blocked contact.
  • The blocked person can still see and respond to your messages in the group.
  • Admins and other members will be able to see all messages as normal.

So you can essentially block someone’s messages just for yourself in any shared WhatsApp groups you’re both in.

They won’t see your about info or status

In addition to your profile photo and last seen status, a blocked contact also can’t view your:

  • About info
  • Status updates

So any changes you make to your about info or status updates will be invisible to a blocked person.

Blocking is anonymous and one-sided

Importantly, blocking happens anonymously and only affects the person who is blocked.

When you block someone in WhatsApp:

  • They are not notified or alerted that they’ve been blocked.
  • There is no indication in the chat that the other person can see that shows they’ve been blocked.
  • The experience is not reciprocal – when Person A blocks Person B, Person B does not also block Person A.

This means you can block a contact without them knowing they’ve been blocked. The blocking only restricts their ability to interact with you, not vice versa.

They can still report your messages

Although a blocked contact can’t see or send you messages, they can still report individual messages you send in groups to WhatsApp.

So blocking does not prevent someone from flagging and reporting your messages if they violate WhatsApp policies. Group admins can also see messages reported by a blocked person.

You can still report them too

Likewise, even though you’ve blocked someone and can’t see their messages, you can still report any past messages from that contact that may be abusive, offensive, or inappropriate.

WhatsApp has a tool for reporting specific messages, even from blocked contacts and groups.

You can unblock at any time

Blocking a contact is reversible and temporary. You can choose to unblock a contact at any time in WhatsApp’s privacy settings.

Unblocking restores all normal communication abilities and reverts the restrictions blocking had in place.

How to block someone in WhatsApp

Blocking another WhatsApp user is straightforward:

  1. Open the chat with the contact you want to block.
  2. Tap on the contact’s name at the top of the chat screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap Block [contact name].
  4. Confirm the block when prompted.

On iPhone, the Block option is under Contact Info instead of in the More Options menu.

Unblocking a contact

If you change your mind, you can easily unblock a contact:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy.
  2. Tap Blocked Contacts.
  3. Tap Unblock next to the contact you want to unblock.

They will be restored to your contacts list and all previous restrictions lifted.


In summary, blocking someone on WhatsApp gives you control over your interactions by:

  • Removing their ability to message you or see your online status and profile info
  • Preventing them from calling or video calling you
  • Limiting their visibility in any shared WhatsApp groups
  • Doing all of the above anonymously without notifying the blocked user

Blocking is always temporary and reversible, so you can change your mind at any time. But it can be a useful option if you need to restrict contact with someone on WhatsApp.

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp – A visual summary

What the blocked person can see What the blocked person can’t see
  • Your messages in any shared WhatsApp groups
  • Their own messages in shared WhatsApp groups
  • Your profile photo
  • When you’re online
  • Your “last seen” status
  • Your status updates
  • Your about info
  • Your live location
  • 1-to-1 messages from you
What the blocked person can do What the blocked person can’t do
  • See your messages in group chats
  • Report your messages
  • Report past messages from you
  • Call or video call you
  • See your contact info in their lists
  • Send you messages

A few additional key points about blocking someone on WhatsApp:

  • They won’t know they’ve been blocked
  • Your chat will disappear from their WhatsApp screen
  • Blocking is one-sided – they don’t also block you
  • You can unblock them anytime
  • All past messages remain visible if you unblock

What if someone blocks me on WhatsApp?

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, here are some signs to look out for:

  • Their profile photo will disappear
  • You won’t see their online status
  • Your messages will remain undelivered indefinitely
  • Any calls you attempt won’t go through
  • The contact will disappear from your WhatsApp contacts list

You don’t get any specific notification that you’ve been blocked. But these types of changes to your communication can indicate when someone has blocked you on WhatsApp.

There is no way to override or bypass someone blocking you on WhatsApp. Your messages will not be delivered to a contact that has blocked you.

The only options are to either wait and see if they unblock you, or try reaching out on a different communication channel. Some patience and understanding of their desire for distance or privacy is recommended.

Can I get blocked on WhatsApp without doing anything wrong?

Yes, it’s possible and common to be blocked on WhatsApp without knowing why or having done anything obviously offensive.

Here are some reasons you may get blocked by someone unexpectedly:

  • By accident – they may have meant to block someone else
  • They want privacy from you for unknown personal reasons
  • You messaged them too frequently
  • Someone else used their phone and blocked you
  • They felt pestered or overwhelmed by your messages
  • You said something that unintentionally upset them

Unless the person communicates their reasons, it can be hard to know for sure why you were blocked. Try not to take it personally. Focus on other connections and give them space.

Should I tell someone they are blocked on WhatsApp?

There are pros and cons to consider when deciding whether to tell someone directly that you’ve blocked them on WhatsApp:

Potential pros:

  • Lets them know clearly your intent to create distance
  • Avoids them wondering why messages aren’t going through
  • Gives them closure on the status of your relationship

Potential cons:

  • Could provoke an angry response from the person
  • Goes against the discreet nature of blocking
  • Re-opens communication you may want to avoid
  • May be obvious based on their inability to message you

There are arguments on both sides. Unless you anticipate a reasonable reaction, blocking without an explanation may be safest. Use your judgment based on the relationship and situation.

WhatsApp blocking etiquette – Do’s and don’ts

If you’re considering blocking someone or have been blocked yourself, here are some recommended do’s and don’ts:


  • Block early and preemptively if needed
  • Use blocking to enforce healthy boundaries
  • Try to resolve conflict constructively first
  • Explain your reasons for blocking if appropriate
  • Be understanding if blocked by someone


  • Block as means of manipulation
  • Block someone without reason
  • Lie about blocking someone
  • Spread negativity if blocked
  • Keep someone blocked forever

The healthiest approach is to use blocking judiciously, be upfront when needed, and resume communication if the situation improves.

WhatsApp account blocking vs individual chat blocking

It’s important to understand the difference between blocking an individual contact and blocking an entire WhatsApp account:

  • Individual chat blocking – Limits messages and access for one specific person. Does not affect any other chats.
  • Account blocking – Prevents someone from contacting you or accessing your account details and information across WhatsApp. Applies to all chats.

Blocking a single contact is generally sufficient for most situations. But account blocking may be necessary in cases of severe harassment, threats, or unwanted contact attempts.

Can contacts tell if you blocked them on WhatsApp?

No, there is no built-in notice or notification when you block a contact on WhatsApp. The app does not directly indicate to users that they’ve been blocked.

However, as explained above, there are observable changes that happen when you block someone that could allow an intelligent contact to infer they may have been blocked. These include:

  • Your profile photo vanishes
  • They stop seeing when you’re online
  • You disappear from their WhatsApp contacts
  • Your messages never get delivered

So while not definitive, situations like these are strong signs a contact may be able to piece together that you have likely blocked them, even without a specific confirmation.

Common questions about blocking on WhatsApp

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about blocking contacts on WhatsApp:

Can I block someone without them knowing?

Yes, WhatsApp blocks are anonymous. The person is not notified they’ve been blocked.

Can I undo a block?

Yes, you can unblock a contact at any time in WhatsApp’s privacy settings. This restores communication.

Will my messages still show up if I’m blocked?

No, your messages will not go through and will remain permanently pending.

What happens to group chats when I block someone?

You will no longer see messages from a blocked person in group chats. But others will still see all messages as normal.

Can I get blocked for no reason?

Yes, you can be blocked by someone randomly or by mistake. It’s not always personal.

Can I get blocked for sending too many messages?

Yes, frequently messaging someone can prompt them to block you.

In conclusion…

Blocking on WhatsApp is designed to be discreet yet effective:

  • It limits someone’s ability to contact you and access your profile info
  • The blocked person is not notified or alerted by WhatsApp
  • But observable chat changes can indicate to a user they may be blocked
  • It is always reversible – you can unblock at any time

Blocking should be used thoughtfully when needed to manage relationships and prevent unwanted communication. With the right approach, it can help maintain your privacy and sanity on WhatsApp.