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What does it mean to pin a message in a chat?

Pinning a message in a chat allows you to highlight or bookmark an important message so it stays at the top of the chat for easy reference. This can be useful for things like announcements, rules, schedules, contact info, or any message you want people to see first when they open the chat.

What Happens When You Pin a Message?

When you pin a message in a chat or channel, a couple of things happen:

  • The pinned message is moved to the top of the chat, above all the other messages.
  • A small pin icon appears next to the pinned message to indicate it’s pinned.
  • The pinned message stays in place at the top even as new messages are sent.
  • You can pin multiple messages in a chat if needed.

So pinning essentially allows you to bookmark messages you want to give special visibility to keep them from getting buried in all the new messages.

Why Would You Want to Pin a Message?

Here are some common reasons you may want to pin messages in a chat:

To highlight important info

Pin announcements, rules, schedules, contact details, or other info you want people to see when they open the chat.

To save FAQs

Pin commonly asked questions and answers so people can easily reference them later.

To showcase examples

Pin examples of good work, instructions, or reference material for people to look at.

To bookmark relevant messages

Pin conversations or messages you want to come back to easily later on.

To direct attention

Pin any message you want to keep at the top so people see it first when opening the chat.

Where Can You Pin Messages?

Most chat and messaging apps support pinning messages, including:

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Discord
  • Facebook Messenger
  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • Google Hangouts Chat
  • Skype
  • Zoom chat
  • Clubhouse
  • Mattermost
  • Rocket.Chat

The option to pin a message is usually accessible by tapping or clicking the three dots or ellipses next to a message.

Who Can Pin Messages?

Permissions to pin messages vary across platforms and channels:

  • In some apps, any member of a chat can pin messages.
  • In other cases, only channel admins or moderators can pin messages.
  • Private 1-on-1 chats may not allow pinning.
  • The channel or chat settings may allow enabling/disabling message pinning.

So the ability to pin usually depends on your role and the app’s settings. Check the channel details to see if you have permission to pin.

Do Pinned Messages Expire?

Pinned messages will remain pinned indefinitely until manually unpinned. However, some apps put limits on pinning:

  • Slack limits you to 100 pinned items per channel.
  • Telegram allows pinning up to 5 recent messages per group.
  • Discord allows up to 50 pinned messages per text channel.

So pinned messages may expire once you hit the limit – the oldest pins will be removed as you add new ones. But in most cases, pins stay in place until manually removed.

Can You Pin Messages Across Devices?

Generally, pinned messages are synced across devices:

  • Pinning in Slack, Teams, Hangouts, Telegram etc. will sync the pinned message across mobile and desktop.
  • Games like Discord will also sync pinned messages across devices.
  • So you can pin on one device and see it pinned on another device logged into the same account.

Syncing depends on being logged into the same account. Pinning on a desktop web browser will not appear pinned on mobile if you’re logged out or using a different account.

Do All Chat Members See Pinned Messages?

Yes, a pinned message is visible to everyone else in the chat or channel, that’s the point!

Pinning simply sticks the message to the top of the screen so anyone opening the chat sees it first. All members will see the same pinned messages.

Unlike starring/favoriting a message, pinning makes it universally visible rather than just to you privately.

Can You Pin Messages in Bots or Shortcuts?

You cannot pin messages sent by bots or shortcuts since they are not native members of the chat. Examples include:

  • Slack bot messages
  • Polly polls in Slack
  • Zapier messages
  • IFTTT applets
  • Calendly assistants
  • Typeform bots

Bots are automated programs so their messages cannot be pinned, only messages sent by actual people. However, you can pin a message quoting the bot output.

Best Practices for Pinning Messages

To use pinning most effectively, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Pin important messages right after posting them, when they’re still recent.
  • Give pinned messages clear, descriptive titles to highlight their purpose.
  • Edit the pinned message if its content changes over time.
  • Limit the number of pinned messages to avoid clutter.
  • Occasionally refresh your pinned items to keep them relevant.
  • Make sure your team knows to look for pinned messages!

Pros of Pinning Messages

Pinning messages has several benefits:

  • Highlights important info – Keeps rules, announcements, etc. visible.
  • Saves time – Prevents having to repost or re-answer common questions.
  • Reduces clutter – Cuts down on duplicate posts as you grow.
  • Boosts productivity – Less time spent searching for old messages.
  • Enables bookmarking – Lets you easily find messages later.

Cons of Pinning Messages

Some potential downsides to look out for:

  • Can seem intrusive – Pinned messages always at the top can seem distracting.
  • Loses impact over time – People will start ignoring pinned messages if overused.
  • Need to manage and update – You’ll have to keep pins refreshed and relevant.
  • Limted space – Apps limit how many messages you can pin.
  • Security issues – Pinned links could pose a security risk if hackers gain access.


Pinning an important chat message can be a handy way to bookmark content you want people to see first in a channel. It keeps relevant information in a fixed spot at the top of the screen.

Use pinning selectively for things you truly need to highlight, like rules or schedules. Avoid pinning too many messages, or pins will lose impact. Remember to edit pins if the content changes over time.

Used properly, pinning provides an easy way to direct attention, reduce duplicate questions, and boost productivity by saving valuable time. Just be sure your team is aware pinned messages contain useful information they should regularly review.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pin a message I didn’t write?

Yes, you can pin any message in a chat you have permissions to pin, even if you didn’t write it. This allows pinning important announcements or info posted by others.

Do pinned messages notify people?

Pinning a message does not send any notification or alert to chat members. The pinned message will just appear at the top of the channel. So if you pin an important announcement, mention that you’ve pinned it so people look for it.

Can I pin the same message in multiple channels?

Apps generally don’t allow the exact same message to be pinned across multiple channels or chats. You can however pin similar helpful info in different channels separately.

What happens if a pinned message is deleted?

If the original pinned message gets deleted or removed, the pinned message slot will just appear empty at the top of the chat. An admin can then replace it by pinning another message.

Can I pin a message on mobile?

Yes, you can pin chats on both mobile and desktop apps generally. The ability to pin messages is available across most platforms.

Is there a limit to how many messages I can pin?

Most apps limit you to pinning 50-100 messages per chat or channel. Once you hit the limit, adding new pins will unpin the oldest ones first in a FIFO queue.

What if I need more than the pinnable amount in a channel?

If you need more pinned messages than a single channel allows, consider making a dedicated pins-only channel to hold important info or using threads to prevent clutter.

Can I search or filter pinned messages?

You currently can’t filter or search only the pinned messages in a chat across most platforms. The pin board doesn’t act as a separate collection.

How do I unpin or remove a pinned message?

Look for the pin icon next to a pinned message and click it to unpin. This will remove it from the top of the chat and move it back chronologically.

What happens if I leave a chat with pinned messages?

If you leave a chat or channel with pinned messages, those pins will no longer be visible to you. You’ll only see pins from channels you’re currently a member of.

Can I pin a message in a DM or group DM?

Pinning functionality is generally limited to channels and team chat apps. You likely can’t pin messages in 1-on-1 DMs or small group DMs in most platforms.

How do I pin on… [Specific App]?

The steps to pin a message can vary slightly across apps:

Slack – Hover over a message, click the ⋯ menu, choose Pin.

Teams – Hover over a message, click the thumbtack icon.

Discord – Right-click a message, choose Pin.

WhatsApp – Long press a message, tap the thumbtack icon.

Telegram – Tap & hold a message, choose Pin.

Always look for a thumbtack or pin icon to pin messages on any platform.


Here are some key takeaways:

  • Pinning sticks messages to the top of a chat channel for easy access
  • It highlights important info you want people to see first
  • Pinning is useful for announcements, schedules, rules, examples
  • Pins are visible to everyone in the channel or chat
  • You can pin multiple messages per channel
  • Use pinning selectively to avoid overuse and clutter

Remember pinned messages are a tool to direct attention and reduce duplicate questions when used properly. Be sure to set clear expectations with your team on what pinning means in your chats.