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What does export conversation mean?

Exporting a conversation allows you to save a transcript of a conversation you’ve had with someone, such as over email, chat, or messaging apps. It lets you download the conversation history into a file that can be saved on your computer or device.

Why would you want to export a conversation?

There are several reasons why someone may want to export a conversation:

  • To have a record of important conversations for future reference
  • To save a conversation before deleting an account or app
  • To back up your message history in case your device is lost, stolen or damaged
  • To view conversations offline when you don’t have internet access
  • To search through message history more easily when it’s in a file

Exporting a conversation can be helpful for referencing details discussed, finding information that was shared, or jogging your memory about past interactions. The exported file provides a complete record of the conversation that you can access even if you no longer have access to the original app or account.

What types of conversations can you export?

You can export conversations from a variety of popular messaging platforms and apps including:

  • Email services like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail
  • Chat apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat
  • Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge
  • Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
  • SMS/text messaging apps on your smartphone
  • Team collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams
  • Forums and message boards

Most messaging apps and platforms provide options to export part or all of your messaging history and conversation transcripts. The specific steps required may vary across apps, but generally the export feature is accessible in the app’s settings or account options.

What format can you export conversations to?

Conversations are usually exported and saved in a universal file format that can be opened on any device. Common formats include:

  • PDF (Portable Document Format) – Widely used for documents and keeps original formatting
  • TXT – Simple text format displays messages as plain text
  • CSV (Comma separated values) – Stores data in a table format for spreadsheets
  • HTML – Displays conversation with original font styles and colors
  • JSON – Organizes conversation in a structured data file
  • XML – Encodes conversation in a machine-readable format

PDF and HTML exports will look most similar to the original conversation screen. TXT, CSV or JSON files are best for analyzing or searching through conversations programatically. The platform you are exporting from usually lets you select which format you prefer.

What data is included in a conversation export?

A conversation export will typically include:

  • Name of the conversation participants
  • Profile image of each participant
  • Timestamp of each message
  • The content (text, images etc.) of each message
  • Message status such as sent, delivered, read etc.
  • Any attachments or media files shared
  • Reactions to messages like emoji reactions

This provides you with a complete history of the back and forth conversation, including all messages sent and received in chronological order.

Can you export conversations on iPhone and Android?

Yes, you can export conversations on both iPhone and Android devices. The steps are:

On iPhone

  1. Open the conversation in the app
  2. Tap and hold your finger on the conversation
  3. Tap export from the menu that appears
  4. Select the format to export to
  5. Tap export to save the file

On Android

  1. Open the conversation inside the app
  2. Tap the more options menu (3 dots or 3 lines)
  3. Select export chat or export conversation
  4. Choose the format and tap export

This will save the conversation file to your photos/media folder where you can access it.

What apps allow you to export conversations?

Here are some popular messaging apps that have conversation export features:

Email Apps

App Allows Export?
Gmail Yes
Outlook Yes
Yahoo Mail Yes

Social Media Apps

App Allows Export?
WhatsApp Yes
Facebook Messenger Yes
WeChat Yes
Telegram Yes

Dating Apps

App Allows Export?
Tinder Yes
Bumble No
Hinge No

As shown, most major communication platforms and apps allow you to export conversation history, with the exception of some dating apps like Bumble and Hinge.

How do you export WhatsApp conversations?

Follow these steps to export WhatsApp conversations on iPhone or Android:

On iPhone

  1. Open the WhatsApp conversation
  2. Tap and hold the conversation to select it
  3. Tap “Export Chat” from the menu
  4. Choose to export with or without media
  5. Select export as PDF or export as .txt file
  6. Choose a destination like Files, Notes, Email etc to save

On Android

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the chat
  2. Tap the More Options button (3 dots)
  3. Select “Export chat”
  4. Choose to include or exclude media
  5. Select file format like HTML, PDF or TXT
  6. Tap export and choose a destination folder

The exported WhatsApp conversation can be saved to your phone’s local storage, Google Drive, or emailed as an attachment.

How do you export Facebook Messenger conversations?

To export your Facebook Messenger chat history:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone
  2. Go to your Messages or select a conversation
  3. Tap on your profile name at the top
  4. Scroll down and tap “Export Chat History”
  5. Select the conversation(s) you want to export
  6. Choose the date range to export
  7. Tap export and your chat will be emailed as a ZIP file

The ZIP file contains your Messenger chats in HTML format that you can open on any web browser. Images and files will also be included in the export.

Can you export Telegram conversations?

Yes, Telegram has a built-in feature to export your chats:

  1. Open the Telegram app
  2. Go to the Profile page
  3. Tap Settings – Advanced – Export Telegram Data
  4. Select which chats to export or tap ‘All Chats’
  5. Choose a format like JSON or HTML
  6. The data will be exported to Documents on Android or Files on iOS

Your Telegram chat history will be saved in a ZIP file containing the JSON or HTML files that can be extracted and viewed.

How do you export Hangouts conversations from Gmail?

To export Hangouts chats from your Google account:

  1. Open Gmail on web or mobile app
  2. Go to Hangouts conversations on the left menu
  3. Check the boxes next to chats you want to export
  4. Click the More Options button (3 dots)
  5. Select ‘Export’ from the dropdown menu
  6. Choose the file format like .zip, .txt, etc.
  7. Confirm to download the export file

Your selected Hangouts chats will be exported from Gmail as a ZIP file or in other formats. Media attachments will also be included.

Can you export iMessage conversations from an iPhone?

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to export or backup iMessage conversations from an iPhone. Some options you can try:

  • Use third-party apps like iMazing or iBackup Viewer to extract and save iMessages from a device backup.
  • Connect your iPhone to a Mac computer and use the MacOS app Messages to view history and export.
  • Use an iCloud backup extractor tool to download iMessage history from an iCloud backup.
  • Take screenshots of important iMessage conversations to save them as images.

Apple does not provide an official method to export or save iMessages off an iPhone. The only way is through third-party tools and backups.

Can you export Signal or Telegram Secret Chats?

No, it’s not possible to export encrypted Secret Chats on Telegram or Signal conversations as that could compromise the encryption:

  • Telegram Secret Chats – These use end-to-end encryption so chat history and media is not stored in Telegram’s cloud. As a result, there is no way to export Secret Chats.
  • Signal – Full message history is not accessible even to the app itself. The only record saved is the date of the conversation. Exports cannot bypass Signal’s encryption.

For maximum security and privacy, these encrypted messaging apps do not allow users to export chat history. Doing so could leak private conversation data.

Should you delete an exported conversation?

Here are some things to consider on whether to delete an exported conversation:

  • If the data is sensitive, deleting it from the app prevents further exposure.
  • If you no longer use the messaging app, deleting frees up storage space.
  • If you have the export stored securely, the original may be redundant.
  • If you require the conversation for legal reasons, keeping the original may be advisable.
  • If contacts are still active, retaining the chat history may be convenient.

In summary:

  • Delete original if conversation contains sensitive information.
  • Retain original if required for legal evidence.
  • Can remove original if exported version meets your needs.

Evaluate your specific situation to decide if deleting the original conversation is appropriate after exporting it.


Exporting conversations is the process of saving your chat history and messages in a downloadable file from a messaging app or platform. It allows you to backup your conversations, take records off mobile devices, and store important interactions. Most major email, social, chat and dating apps permit exporting conversations in universal formats like PDF, HTML, CSV or JSON. While exporting encrypted chats is not possible, for most unencrypted messaging platforms, exporting conversations provides useful functionality to manage your digital footprint.