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Is WhatsApp call from international numbers a scam?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps worldwide, with over 2 billion active users. Its ease of use, versatility, and free calling and messaging capabilities have made it an essential communication tool for many. However, with its widespread use, WhatsApp has also become a target for scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting users.

One common scam involves receiving a WhatsApp call from an international number you do not recognize. Should you be concerned? Are these scam calls or legitimate calls? Here is a closer look at what to watch out for.

What are the common scenarios for international WhatsApp calls?

There are a few reasons you may receive a WhatsApp call from an international number:

  • A friend or family member is calling you while traveling abroad and using a local SIM card
  • A business contact is calling you from overseas
  • A scammer is calling with ill intent

The first two scenarios are perfectly normal and legitimate. If you are expecting a call from someone abroad, then you can answer confidently. But unexpected international calls certainly warrant extra care before answering.

Signs it may be a scam call

Here are some indicators that a surprise WhatsApp call from an international number could be a scam attempt:

  • You do not recognize the country code
  • There is no name associated with the number
  • You were not already in contact with anyone in that country
  • The call comes at an unusual time
  • You receive multiple calls in a short period

Scammers often use VoIP services to make calls appear to come from phone numbers around the world. If they call multiple times, it’s likely an automated dialing system designed to cast a wide net for victims.

Common scam tactics

Some things scammers may do if you answer their international WhatsApp call:

  • Silent call – The call connects but no one speaks. This verifies it’s an active number.
  • Request personal information – They may pretend to be a representative of a company or government agency requesting personal data.
  • Tech support scam – They claim to be “WhatsApp support” andoffer to fix issues with your account.
  • surveys – The caller asks you to complete a survey, which can expose private details.

All of these are red flags. WhatsApp does not make unsolicited calls to offer support. And no legitimate business would request sensitive data over a surprise phone call.

Should you answer an international WhatsApp call?

If you receive a WhatsApp call from an unknown international number, the safest option is to not answer. But if you do choose to answer, here are some tips:

  • Do not provide any personal information.
  • Hang up immediately if they ask suspicious questions.
  • Beware of scammers impersonating tech support or government agencies.
  • Never install software or give remote access to your device.
  • Block unwanted numbers.

And if you answered and realized it was a scam, make sure to report the number to WhatsApp directly within the app. This can help prevent the scam from spreading further.

How to protect yourself from international scam calls

Here are some general best practices to avoid becoming a victim of an international WhatsApp scam call:

  • Be wary of unknown international numbers – Let them go to voicemail.
  • Do not answer numbers from countries you have no connection to.
  • Set your WhatsApp privacy settings to only allow calls from contacts.
  • Turn on two-factor authentication in WhatsApp for extra security.
  • Never click suspicious links sent via WhatsApp message.
  • Keep your WhatsApp updated to the latest version.
  • Educate yourself on common phone and social media scams.

Can you block international WhatsApp calls?

There are a couple options to block international WhatsApp calls:

  • Block specific countries – In your phone settings, you can block calls and messages from certain countries.
  • Block all unknown callers – Enable this option in your phone settings to automatically block calls not in your contacts.
  • Block numbers – Block specific suspicious international numbers directly within WhatsApp.

Enabling these blocks can prevent nuisance calls and scams. But keep in mind it may also block legitimate calls from numbers not already saved in your contacts.

Should you report international WhatsApp scam calls?

If you receive a suspicious international call on WhatsApp, it’s always a good idea to report it. Here’s how:

  1. Open the call log in WhatsApp and tap on the suspected scam call.
  2. Tap Block Contact > Report Contact.
  3. Select why you are reporting – such as “spam” or “pretending to be WhatsApp”.

Reporting these numbers helps WhatsApp identify and shut down sources of spam and scams. The more people report, the better WhatsApp can combat the issue.

Can authorities trace international WhatsApp scammers?

Tracing international WhatsApp scammers can be challenging for authorities due to WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption. This prevents even WhatsApp itself from accessing call and message content.

However, there are still options to pursue scam callers:

  • WhatsApp can ban accounts originating scams based on user reports.
  • Phone carriers can trace and block numbers engaging in scam traffic.
  • Law enforcement can work with international counterparts to investigate criminal networks.
  • VoIP providers can revoke service enabling scam calls.

While not foolproof, reporting scams helps facilitate this process. Victims can also file police reports to prompt further civil or criminal action where possible under law.


Unexpected international WhatsApp calls rightly raise scam concerns. While not always malicious, these calls often prove to be nuisances at best and costly scams at worst.

Exercising caution by not answering numbers you do not know, protecting your personal information, and reporting scam callers are the best ways to stay safe. With awareness and preventive measures, you can help ensure WhatsApp remains a convenient communication tool rather than a scam liability.


Is it illegal to call from an international number on WhatsApp?

No, there is nothing inherently illegal about calling someone internationally on WhatsApp. As long as you are using the service within WhatsApp’s terms of service, it is perfectly legal. The issues arise when scammers use international calls for malicious purposes.

Can I get in trouble for answering an international scam call?

No, you will not get in legal trouble simply for answering an unknown international call, even if it turns out to be a scam. Scammers may try to trick you into doing something illegal, but authorities understand common phone scams target innocent victims.

What should you do if you answer an international WhatsApp scam call?

If you realize you have answered a scam call, hang up right away before providing any information. Block the number, report it to WhatsApp as spam, and file a complaint with the FTC. Also alert your contacts in case the scammers try calling them next using your number.

Can WhatsApp tell if an international call is a scam?

WhatsApp cannot automatically determine if an international call is a scam before it happens. The company relies on users reporting problematic numbers in order to investigate scam accounts and sources. WhatsApp analyzes these reports to improve its spam and scam detection capabilities.

What happens when you report an international WhatsApp scam call?

Reporting a scam or spam call tells WhatsApp this is an abusive number violating its terms of service. WhatsApp will investigate and can ban accounts originating illegal scam calls. Reporting also helps WhatsApp improve its algorithms to better detect and prevent scams.

Key Takeaways

  • Legitimate reasons exist for receiving an international WhatsApp call from a number you don’t recognize.
  • Warning signs of a scam call include an unrecognizable number, unusual timing, caller anonymity, and urgent requests for personal data.
  • Use caution in answering unexpected international calls, and never provide sensitive information to unsolicited callers.
  • Blocking specific countries, numbers, and unknown callers can prevent scam calls.
  • Reporting scam calls helps WhatsApp take action against abuse.