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How many digits is a Kuwait phone number?

Kuwait phone numbers consist of 8 digits. The country code for Kuwait is +965, followed by an 8 digit local phone number. So the full format of a Kuwait phone number is +965-XXXXXXXX, where X represents the 8 digits of the local number.

Kuwait is a small country located in the Middle East, bordering the Persian Gulf, between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The country has a population of about 4.2 million people. Kuwait uses the international dialing code +965 and has 8 digit local phone numbers.

Knowing the correct phone number format and length is important when contacting people and businesses in Kuwait. This article provides an overview of Kuwait phone numbers, including the country code, local number format, total digits, and examples.

Country Code

The international dialing code for Kuwait is +965. This must be dialed before the local number when calling Kuwait from abroad. For example, to call a Kuwait number from the United States or Canada, you would dial:

011 +965 XXXX XXXX

The plus sign (+) can be replaced with the exit code of the country you are calling from. The exit code for North America is 011, while most of Europe uses 00.

Local Phone Numbers

Local phone numbers in Kuwait are eight digits long. Local Kuwaiti phone numbers have no prefix and range from 2000000 to 9999999. Some common examples are:

  • 22015596
  • 50015392
  • 96654721

Mobile phone numbers begin with 5, 6, or 9 and have eight digits. Some examples are:

  • 50001234
  • 66522345
  • 97554367

Full Kuwait Phone Number Format

Combining the country code and local phone number, the full format of a Kuwait phone number is:


The plus sign indicates the country code and 965 is the code for Kuwait. This is followed by the 8 digit local number. Some examples of full Kuwait phone numbers are:

  • +965 22015596
  • +965 50015392
  • +965 96654721

How Many Digits in Total?

In summary, the total length of a full Kuwaiti phone number is:

  • Country code: +965 (4 digits)
  • Local phone number: 8 digits
  • Total: 12 digits

So the total number of digits in a Kuwait phone number is 12 when you include the country code.

Calling Kuwait from Abroad

When calling a Kuwait number from another country, you need to dial:

[International Exit Code] + 965 [Eight digit number]

For example, to call the Kuwait mobile number +965 50015392 from the United Kingdom, you would dial:

00 + 965 50015392

The international exit code from UK is 00, followed by Kuwait’s country code 965, then the eight digit local number. This ensures the call connects correctly.

Calling Within Kuwait

When making calls within Kuwait to another local number, there is no need to dial the country code or the plus sign. Just dial the 8 digit local number. For example:


When calling Kuwaiti cell phones or landlines from within the same country, dial the 8 digits directly without any prefix.

Identifying Kuwait Numbers

There are a few key identifiers that help recognize Kuwait phone numbers:

  • Starts with country code +965 or 965
  • Contains only 8 digits after the country code
  • Mobile numbers begin with 5, 6 or 9
  • No prefix before the local number (unlike some countries)

Knowing these identifiers helps you easily distinguish Kuwait phone numbers from numbers belonging to other countries.

Common Uses of Kuwait Phone Numbers

Some common uses and applications of Kuwait phone numbers include:

  • Calling friends and family within Kuwait
  • Contacting Kuwaiti businesses and services
  • Receiving verification codes by SMS for Kuwait accounts
  • Registering for apps and websites with a Kuwait phone number
  • Identifying a caller’s origin as Kuwait on caller ID

Kuwaitis rely on phone numbers to stay in touch domestically and connect with the rest of the world. Both residents and visitors to Kuwait need to understand the local numbering system to call or text effectively.

Importance of Proper Formatting

It’s important to format Kuwait phone numbers properly in all situations. Whether writing them down, saving them to your contacts, displaying them on a website, or dialing them from abroad, the correct format is essential.

Using the full international format with country code allows the number to be called from other countries. The standard 12 digit format ensures the number is valid and dialable. Proper formatting removes any ambiguity or confusion when dealing with Kuwaiti phone numbers.

Resources for Reference

For further reference, here are some useful resources on Kuwait phone numbers:

  • ITU – International Telecommunication Union Kuwait country code information
  • How to call Kuwait guide from
  • Kuwait local number listings on
  • Kuwait phone number lookup tools
  • International dialing codes list by country from

Consulting these resources can provide more details on Kuwait’s telephone structure, number ranges, and dialing instructions when calling from other countries or abroad.


To summarize the key facts:

  • Kuwait country code: +965 or 965
  • Local phone numbers are 8 digits long
  • Full Kuwait phone number format: +965 XXXX XXXX
  • Total digits in a Kuwait number: 12
  • Mobile numbers begin with 5, 6 or 9
  • No prefix used for local numbers

Understanding the proper structure and length of Kuwait phone numbers is useful whether you are a resident or planning to visit the country. With the correct formatting, you can easily communicate with people and businesses in Kuwait from anywhere in the world.