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How do you unmute archived chats on Iphone?

What is an archived chat on iPhone?

When you archive a chat conversation on iPhone, it removes the chat from your main messages list and saves it in a separate Archived Chats folder. Archiving lets you tidy up your messages app by removing conversations you don’t need regular access to, while still keeping them available in case you need to refer back to them later.

Archived chats remain accessible, but are muted by default. This means you won’t receive notifications for any new incoming messages in archived chats.

Why would you want to unmute an archived chat?

There are a few reasons you may want to unmute an archived chat on iPhone:

– You archived a chat by accident and still want notifications from it.

– You temporarily archived a chat to declutter your messages, but now want notifications from it again.

– You have an archived chat with someone you need to coordinate plans with, so you want to receive notifications again for coordination.

– There’s an archived chat you don’t message frequently, but still want notifications for when you do have ongoing conversations.

Unmuting brings archived chats back into your notifications mix so you don’t miss important incoming messages from people you still want to hear from.

How to unmute an archived chat on iPhone

Unmuting an archived chat on iPhone is simple:

1. Open the Messages app and tap on the Archived Chats folder at the bottom.

2. Locate the archived chat you want to unmute.

3. Swipe left on the chat to reveal the Unmute button.

4. Tap on Unmute.

The chat will now be unmuted and you’ll receive notifications for new messages received in that conversation again.

You can mute it again anytime by repeating the steps above and tapping Mute instead.

Unarchiving a chat also unmutes it

Another way to unmute an archived chat is to unarchive it, which will move it back into your main messages list. Unarchiving a chat automatically unmutes it as well.

To unarchive a chat:

1. Go to Archived Chats in Messages.

2. Tap Edit in the top right corner.

3. Tap on the circles next to chats you want to unarchive.

4. Tap Unarchive at the bottom.

The selected chats will now be unarchived and unmuted.

Change notification settings for individual chats

Beyond muting/unmuting, you can also control notifications for specific chats right within your messages:

1. Open a chat conversation.

2. Tap on the contact name at the top.

3. Scroll down and tap Notifications.

4. Adjust notification settings for that chat – mute, turn on notifications, show previews, etc.

This gives you more granular control over notifications for archived and unarchived chats instead of just muted/unmuted.

Manage notifications in Settings

For a broader approach, you can manage default notification settings for messages in the Settings app:

1. Go to Settings > Notifications.

2. Scroll down and tap Messages.

3. Adjust notification settings like showing previews, notification sounds, badges, lock screen visibility, and more.

Changes here will apply to all your iMessage chats. Turn notifications off entirely to mute all chats, or selectively turn them on for different notification types.


Unmuting an archived chat on iPhone only takes a couple taps once you’ve located the conversation in your Archived Chats. This returns notifications from key contacts that you still need to coordinate plans with or hear from on occasion.

More granular management can be achieved by changing notification settings on a per-chat basis or adjusting global defaults in Settings for finer tuned control. With archived chats unmuted, you won’t have to worry about missing important messages again.

Action Steps
Unmute archived chat 1. Open Archived Chats
2. Swipe left on chat
3. Tap Unmute
Unarchive chat to unmute 1. Tap Edit in Archived Chats
2. Select chats to unarchive
3. Tap Unarchive
Customize notifications for a chat 1. Open the chat
2. Tap contact name
3. Tap Notifications
4. Adjust settings
Change default Messages settings 1. Go to Settings > Notifications
2. Tap Messages
3. Adjust notification settings

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I mute an unarchived chat?

To mute an unarchived chat:

1. Open the chat conversation
2. Tap the contact name
3. Scroll down and tap Notifications
4. Toggle off Allow Notifications

This will mute this specific chat without archiving it.

What happens when I archive a chat?

Archiving a chat removes it from your main Messages list and mutes notifications by default. The chat is moved to the Archived Chats folder where it remains accessible.

Can I recover a chat after I’ve deleted it?

Unfortunately, you cannot recover a deleted chat on iPhone. Once a chat is deleted, the messages are permanently erased and cannot be retrieved. Always archive chats instead of deleting if you might need them again later.

How do I customize notifications for group chats?

The steps are the same as a regular chat:

1. Open the group chat
2. Tap the group name
3. Scroll down and tap Notifications
4. Adjust notification settings as desired

This will override the default settings for just this group.

How many chats can I archive?

There is no limit on how many chats you can archive on iPhone. You can archive as many chats as you want to declutter your Messages app and mute notifications.

Other Ways to Organize and Mute Chats on iPhone

In addition to archiving and muting chats, there are a few other ways to better organize your messaging app and control notifications:

Create folders: You can create custom folders like Family, Work, Close Friends etc. to categorize chats instead of archiving.

Pin important chats: Pin your most important message threads to the top of your messages list for quick access.

Filter Unknown Senders: Enable filtering to automatically move chats from unknown numbers to a separate list.

Turn off badges: Disable badges on the Messages app icon to remove visual clutter from unread counts.

Override Do Not Disturb: Allow priority notifications from favorite contacts when Do Not Disturb is on.

Clear old messages: Every so often, go through and delete old chats you no longer need cluttering up the app.


Unmuting an archived chat on iPhone takes just a couple quick taps, but gives you back important notifications from contacts you want to keep in the loop with. You can also fine tune notifications on a chat-by-chat basis or adjust global notification settings for all your messages. With your archived chats unmuted, you can stay on top of important conversations.