WhatsApp groups allow you to communicate with multiple people at once. However, you may decide to exit a WhatsApp group if the notifications become overwhelming or the conversations no longer interest you. If you later change your mind and want to rejoin that WhatsApp group, it is easy to do so.
Can I rejoin a WhatsApp group after exiting?
Yes, it is possible to rejoin a WhatsApp group after exiting. When you voluntarily exit a WhatsApp group, the administrator of that group has the ability to add you back. As long as you have the administrator’s phone number or are still in contact with group members, you can ask to be added back.
How do I ask to rejoin a WhatsApp group?
To rejoin a WhatsApp group you previously exited, follow these steps:
- Contact the administrator of the WhatsApp group or another group member you have the phone number for.
- Ask them to please add you back into the WhatsApp group.
- Wait for the admin to add you back into the group.
- Once added, you will receive a notification that you have been added back to the group.
The WhatsApp group administrator is the only one who can add you back into the group after you exit. Make sure you are politely asking the group admin or a member you are on good terms with to add you back.
What if I don’t know who the admin is?
If you don’t know who the administrator of the WhatsApp group is, reach out to several people who you do have the phone number for and were also part of the group. Explain to them that you would like to rejoin the WhatsApp group and ask if they can add you back or connect you with the admin.
You may need to try contacting multiple group members before you find one willing to assist you and able to connect you with the admin. Be patient as it may take some time to get back into the group if you don’t know who the admin is. Having phone numbers of several group members increases your chances of getting back in.
Can I get added back to a WhatsApp group without permission?
No, you cannot rejoin a WhatsApp group without permission from the administrator. Even if you still have the group chat on your phone, you will not be able to send messages after leaving a group. Only the admin can officially add you back into the chat.
What if the admin refuses to add me back?
If the WhatsApp group admin refuses to add you back into the group after you left, there is unfortunately no way to rejoin without their approval. Group admins have complete discretion over who is in the group.
If the group admin is a friend, politely ask if there is any way you could be added back in. Explain why you would like to rejoin the group and any circumstances around why you left originally. If they still refuse, respect their decision and look for other WhatsApp groups that interest you instead.
Can I find the invitation link to rejoin?
WhatsApp group invitation links expire after a certain amount of time, so you cannot use the original invitation link to rejoin if you have left the group. The group admin needs to generate a new invite link and send it to you directly in order for you to rejoin through a link.
Will my chat history still be there if I rejoin?
Yes, when you rejoin a WhatsApp group, you will still have access to the chat history from when you were previously part of the group. This chat history remains available even if you were removed from the group by the admin.
However, any new messages sent in the WhatsApp group while you were removed will not show up in your chat history. You will only see messages from the point you are added back into the group.
Can I access my old messages from the group after rejoining?
If you backup your WhatsApp messages before exiting a group, you can restore your chat history after rejoining to access old messages. However, any media or files shared in the group while you were gone will need to be sent again.
To backup your WhatsApp messages on Android:
- Open WhatsApp and tap on the three dot menu.
- Go to Settings > Chats > Chat backup.
- Tap “Back up” to create a backup of your chats to Google Drive.
On iPhone:
- Go to WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Chat Backup.
- Tap “Back Up Now” to backup your chat history to iCloud.
What if I was removed from the WhatsApp group by the admin?
If the WhatsApp group admin specifically removed you from the group, you will not be able to rejoin without an invitation from the admin. Even if you still have the group chat on your phone, you will be unable to send messages.
Reach out politely to the admin or another group member you are on good terms with and ask why you were removed. See if there is a way to resolve any issues and be added back into the group by the admin.
Can I rejoin a WhatsApp group I was kicked out of?
Unfortunately, if you were kicked out of a WhatsApp group by the admin, you cannot rejoin without an invitation to be added back. You will not receive any new messages from the group chat after being kicked out.
Try reaching out to the admin or another group member to understand why you were kicked out. If it was a misunderstanding or error, the admin may be willing to send you a new invitation link to rejoin the WhatsApp group.
Is there a time limit to rejoin a WhatsApp group?
There is no specific time limit for how long you can wait before rejoining a WhatsApp group. As long as the WhatsApp group is still active, the admin can add you back months or even years after you exited the group.
However, if the WhatsApp group has been deleted or deactivated by the admin, there is no way to get it back. Try to rejoin any groups you might want to be part of again as soon as possible, rather than waiting too long.
What happens when I rejoin a WhatsApp group?
When you rejoin a WhatsApp group after exiting:
- You will be added back into the group members list.
- You will retain your prior chat history from when you were in the group previously.
- You will start receiving new messages from the group again.
- The group members will be notified that you have rejoined the group.
Everything will be just as it was before you exited, except you will have missed any messages and activity that occurred while you were gone from the group.
Being added back into a WhatsApp group you previously exited is straightforward with the admin’s help. Simply reach out to the admin or another group member, explain you would like to rejoin and ask to be invited back. As long as you left on good terms, most group admins will happily welcome you back!