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How do I ask for sick leave on Whatsapp?

Asking for sick leave on Whatsapp can feel awkward, but it is often the most convenient way to inform your manager that you need to take time off due to illness. With the right approach, you can make the process smooth and professional.

When is it Appropriate to Ask for Sick Leave on Whatsapp?

In general, it’s fine to ask for sick leave over Whatsapp when:

  • You need to take sudden or unexpected sick leave (e.g. you wake up feeling ill)
  • You need to extend pre-approved sick leave
  • Your manager prefers using Whatsapp to communicate

However, if you know in advance you’ll need sick leave (e.g. scheduled doctor’s appointment), it’s better to request it in person or over email to be more formal. Only use Whatsapp if your manager is comfortable with it.

How to Word Your Whatsapp Sick Leave Request

When asking for sick leave over Whatsapp, be sure to include these details:

  • State that you’re taking sick leave: “I need to take sick leave tomorrow.”
  • Specify the date(s): “Tuesday, January 14th.”
  • Give a brief reason: “I have a stomach flu.”
  • Apologize for the late notice if it’s sudden.
  • Offer to provide a doctor’s note if required by your company.

Keep your request polite but concise since it’s just Whatsapp. You can elaborate if needed when you return to work.

What to Avoid when Requesting Sick Leave on Whatsapp

To maintain professionalism, avoid:

  • Vague or exaggerated reasons like “I’m dying of the plague.”
  • Emoticons and emojis.
  • Asking at the very last minute when you’ve known for days.
  • Text slang and abbreviations.
  • Negativity or complaints about work stress.

Stick to the facts – your manager doesn’t need extensive details about your symptoms!

Sample Whatsapp Sick Leave Requests

Use these examples of sick leave requests over Whatsapp:

Scenario Whatsapp Message
Sudden illness “Hi [manager’s name], I woke up this morning with a severe stomach bug. I need to take sick leave today. I apologize for the short notice and will provide a doctor’s note when I’m back in the office.”
Planned doctor’s appointment “Hello [manager], I wanted to let you know I need to take sick leave this Friday, September 5th for a doctor’s appointment I couldn’t reschedule. Let me know if you need me to come in late or work extra hours when I’m back.”
Extending leave “Hi [manager], I’m still pretty sick with the flu and don’t think I should come back to work until I’m fully recovered. Could I please extend my sick leave through Wednesday? I should be good to come back on Thursday. Sorry again for the inconvenience.”

What to Do After You’ve Requested Sick Leave on Whatsapp

Once you’ve sent the Whatsapp message, be sure to:

  • Wait for your manager to acknowledge your request.
  • Provide any additional details if asked.
  • Give regular updates on your return date if extending leave.
  • Request work accommodations if needed.
  • Bring a doctor’s note when you return if required or helpful.

Stay in communication with your manager over Whatsapp or phone while you’re out – don’t just go silent!

Returning to Work After Sick Leave Requested on Whatsapp

On your first day back at work after sick leave requested over Whatsapp, be sure to:

  • Thank your boss again for accommodating your absence.
  • Ask about any important tasks, meetings, or updates you may have missed.
  • Make a plan to complete any urgent work that piled up while you were out.
  • Offer to work late or extra hours if feasible to catch up.
  • Update your team on your health status and capacity.

Following up shows you’re responsible and ready to jump back into your role!

Key Takeaways for Requesting Sick Leave on Whatsapp

Here are some top tips for asking for sick leave over Whatsapp:

  • Explain the dates and reason for leave clearly and concisely.
  • Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Be polite and professional – no complaining or emojis.
  • Provide updates if extending leave.
  • Stay in touch with your manager while out.
  • Follow up with your team when you return.

With the right approach, you can maintain professionalism and effectively communicate over Whatsapp when sick leave is needed.


Requesting sick leave over Whatsapp can feel awkward but is often necessary with modern work arrangements. With a courteous, direct message providing the key details of your absence, you can notify your manager smoothly. Avoid vague complaints or exaggerations and remain professional. Follow up while out and upon your return to work to show you’re a responsible employee. With the tips provided above, you can master the art of asking for sick leave politely and effectively over Whatsapp when needed.