WhatsApp introduced disappearing messages in November 2020. This feature allows users to send messages that disappear after 7 days. Once enabled, new messages sent in the chat will disappear after 7 days.
However, many WhatsApp users wonder if there is any way to recover or retrieve these disappearing messages after they have vanished. In this article, we will explore if and how it’s possible to recover disappearing WhatsApp messages.
What are Disappearing Messages on WhatsApp?
Disappearing messages, also known as disappearing chats, are messages that are automatically deleted after a set duration.
On WhatsApp, enabling disappearing messages means that new messages sent in the chat will disappear after 7 days. Once the 7 days are up, the messages will be deleted from the chat on both the sender’s and receiver’s devices.
The feature helps promote privacy by removing messages after a period of time. It reduces the digital footprint and chances of unwanted access to old messages.
Some key points about WhatsApp disappearing messages:
- The feature needs to be enabled per chat. It can’t be enabled globally.
- It can be enabled for individual chats or group chats.
- Once enabled, all new messages will disappear after 7 days.
- The timer is fixed at 7 days and can’t be customized.
- Messages will disappear even if they were not opened.
- Disappearing messages can still be forwarded, backed up, saved, etc. within the 7 days.
- If a user doesn’t open WhatsApp in the 7 day period, the message will be deleted.
- Messages sent or received before enabling the feature will not be affected.
So in summary, enabling disappearing messages means future messages will automatically vanish after 7 days. It does not affect previously sent or received messages.
Can Disappearing WhatsApp Messages be Recovered?
The short answer is no, once disappearing messages have been deleted after 7 days, there is no built-in way to recover them on WhatsApp.
Here are some key points on why disappearing messages can’t be retrieved:
- WhatsApp does not store or retain any temporary copies of disappearing messages on its servers after the 7 day period.
- No log, history or backup of the messages is maintained by WhatsApp once they are deleted.
- The messages are automatically deleted from the devices of both the sender and receiver by WhatsApp.
- WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for messages, so no third party can access the deleted messages.
- There are no settings or options within WhatsApp itself to recover disappearing chats.
So due to the encrypted nature of WhatsApp chats and the company’s privacy-focused policy, there is no way to retrieve messages after they have disappeared. The feature is designed to permanently erase messages after the duration.
Why Can’t Disappearing Messages be Recovered?
WhatsApp cannot retain or recover disappearing messages due to its end-to-end encryption protocol and privacy-focused policies.
Here is a more detailed explanation:
End-to-End Encryption
WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for all messages, voice calls, video calls, media etc. This means only the sender and receiver can read the messages, no third party including WhatsApp itself has the encryption keys to decrypt the data.
So when disappearing messages are sent, they are end-to-end encrypted. Once the 7 day period expires, WhatsApp permanently deletes the messages and encryption keys from its servers. There are no copies retained anywhere that could be decrypted later.
User Privacy
WhatsApp has a strong focus on user privacy. The platform does not store user chat history and tries to collect as limited metadata as possible.
For disappearing messages, WhatsApp clearly states they cannot be recovered after they disappear. The company adheres to this policy as retaining any temporary backups would infringe on user privacy expectations.
How WhatsApp Delete Works
When a disappearing message expires after 7 days, WhatsApp doesn’t just mark it as deleted. It actually goes in and erases the encrypted message content from its database. This applies to the copies on both the sender and receiver’s devices.
Permanently erasing the message content means it cannot ever be retrieved again by WhatsApp.
Can Third-party Apps Recover Disappearing Messages?
Since WhatsApp itself cannot recover deleted disappearing messages, some users assume using third-party apps from Google Play Store or App Store may help.
However, this is not the case due to WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption and security:
- No third-party app can break WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption. So they cannot decrypt deleted messages.
- WhatsApp does not allow third-party apps to access encrypted chat databases directly.
- Apps cannot override how WhatsApp deletes message contents from sender and receiver devices.
- Claims by data recovery apps to restore disappearing chats are false and misleading.
Therefore, there is absolutely no way for any third-party app to recover deleted disappearing messages on WhatsApp. Be very wary of apps that claim to do so.
What Can Be Done to Preserve Disappearing Messages?
Since disappearing WhatsApp messages cannot be recovered after being deleted, users who want to preserve important messages have two options:
Back Up Before They Disappear
The only guaranteed way to keep disappearing messages is to manually back them up or export chat history before the 7 day deletion period.
This allows saving a copy of the messages outside of WhatsApp before they vanish. The steps are:
- Open the individual or group chat which has disappearing messages enabled.
- Go to More options > Export chat.
- Export the chat without media to get just the messages.
- Save the exported .txt file to your phone storage or cloud drive.
You now have a permanent copy of the messages before they disappear that can be viewed in any text editor.
Don’t Enable Disappearing Messages
The other option is to simply not enable disappearing messages for conversations you want to keep. Use the normal messaging mode instead to preserve a copy of all messages.
This ensures important chats remain saved in your WhatsApp message history for later reference.
Consequences of Losing Disappearing Messages
Since disappearing messages are automatically deleted forever after 7 days, it’s essential to be aware of the consequences:
- Any important information in disappearing chats will be permanently lost.
- There is no record of any transactions, commitments or conversations done via such chats.
- Legal proof and accountability is lost if any content was needed.
- Losing embarrassing or compromising messages may protect your privacy.
- Misunderstandings can happen if context from old messages is not available.
So users must evaluate whether the risks of losing message history outweigh the benefits of enhanced privacy for that conversation.
Should I Use Disappearing Messages?
Here are some key considerations about when disappearing messages may or may not be suitable on WhatsApp:
When Disappearing Messages Are Useful
- For private, confidential or sensitive conversations.
- To discuss time-sensitive info which becomes irrelevant after a while.
- If you don’t need permanent records of casual conversations.
- To avoid cluttering your chats with unimportant messages.
- For privacy from snooping family, friends or coworkers.
When to Avoid Disappearing Messages
- For important conversations you may need records of.
- If legal proof of transactions, agreements etc. may be required.
- When chatting with business clients and professional contacts.
- If disappearing messages could cause misunderstandings.
- For troubleshooting tech issues which may require chat history.
So assess your needs and the nature of your chats to decide when to use disappearing messages appropriately.
WhatsApp’s disappearing messages feature is designed to enhance privacy by automatically deleting messages after 7 days.
However, this means disappearing chats cannot be recovered once deleted. WhatsApp cannot retrieve the encrypted contents due to its security protocol and privacy-focused policies.
If you need to preserve important conversations, manually back up chats before they expire or avoid enabling disappearing messages altogether.
For casual chats, disappearing messages can help keep your message history tidy. But be aware that any information exchanged will be permanently erased after 7 days.