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Does WhatsApp inform blocked contacts?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide. One of the key features of WhatsApp is the ability to block contacts, preventing them from messaging or calling you on the app. But does blocking someone on WhatsApp notify them that they have been blocked? The short answer is no, WhatsApp does not directly inform users if they have been blocked by someone else. There are some signs that a blocked contact can look for to determine if they may have been blocked, but the app does not send any kind of alert or notification to let a user know they have been blocked.

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp?

When you make the decision to block a contact on WhatsApp, it severs all forms of communication between you and that person within the app. Here is an overview of what happens when you block a contact:

– They can no longer send you messages or call you within WhatsApp. Any messages or calls made to you will not go through.

– Any messages or calls you send to them will also not be delivered.

– If you are in a group chat together, you will both remain in the group but be unable to interact with each other.

– Your last seen, profile photo, status updates and any changes to your info will no longer be visible to the blocked contact.

– If you subsequently unblock the contact, your last seen and online status will automatically become visible to them again.

– A blocked contact is automatically removed from your contacts list in WhatsApp. If you still have their phone number saved in your phone’s address book, it will reappear in your WhatsApp contacts if you unblock them.

So in summary, blocking someone on WhatsApp completely cuts off any direct communication between you and them within the app. But what it doesn’t do is notify the blocked user that this has happened.

Does WhatsApp notify blocked contacts?

Unlike some other messaging apps and social media platforms, WhatsApp does not send any kind of alert or notification to a user who has been blocked. The app does not inform blocked contacts in any direct way that you have blocked them.

Some key points:

– There is no message, popup notification or indication within the app telling a user they have been blocked.

– Blocked contacts do not receive any kind of alert through email, SMS or other channels that they have been blocked on WhatsApp.

– Messages sent by a blocked contact to you continue to show one check mark indicating the message has been sent, but never show a second check mark to indicate the message has been delivered. While this may signal to the blocked user that their messages are not getting through, it does not definitively confirm they have been blocked.

– WhatsApp does not notify users if one of their contacts blocks them. The only way for users to know if they have been blocked is through indirect signals and making logical deductions based on their experience using the app.

So in short, the answer is no. WhatsApp’s policy is to not inform or alert users if they have been blocked by one of their contacts. The app gives no official notice or confirmation. Blocked users are left to figure it out for themselves based on circumstances.

How can you tell if someone blocked you on WhatsApp?

While WhatsApp does not directly confirm to users that they have been blocked, there are some telltale signs that can strongly indicate you have likely been blocked by one of your contacts. Here are some of the main ways you can probably tell if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp:

– Your messages to them remain undelivered and only show 1 check mark instead of 2. This is the clearest sign as it indicates your messages are not getting through to the recipient. However, it is possible the user has simply lost internet connection temporarily or switched phones recently.

– Any calls you make to the contact go straight to voicemail and show as “cancelled” in your call history. Again this points to you being blocked, but other factors could also cause calls not to connect.

– Your messages and calls used to go through but now suddenly do not. If communication was regular with this contact but is now completely cut off, there is a high chance you have been blocked.

– You are removed from any group chats that you had in common with that contact. However, it is possible you were simply removed by another admin in the group.

– Your profile photo, last seen and status updates are no longer visible to them. You can check this by logging into WhatsApp from someone else’s phone and viewing your profile. However, the user could have changed their privacy settings.

– The contact disappears entirely from your contacts list within WhatsApp. This is a clear sign of being blocked, as it’s the only way to be removed as a contact. But it’s still not a definitive confirmation.

So while none of these signs on their own confirm you have definitely been blocked, a combination of multiple signs is a reliable indicator. There is no surefire way to know with 100% certainty, but displaying several of these signals makes it highly probable you have been blocked by that person on WhatsApp.

Why doesn’t WhatsApp notify blocked contacts?

WhatsApp’s decision not to notify users if they have been blocked comes down to user privacy and preventing potential harassment. Here are some of the likely reasons behind their policy:

– Avoiding unwanted confrontations – Informing users they are blocked could prompt hostile reactions, demands for explanation, or attempts to circumvent the block.

– Reducing potential harassment – An alert could lead to backlash, bullying or increased harassment from disgruntled blocked users.

– Respecting user privacy – WhatsApp wants to allow users to quietly block contacts without them being alerted, respecting privacy.

– Minimizing drama – Directly notifying blocked users could stir up unnecessary drama, when the goal is to simply cease communication.

– Preventing spamming – Informing users they are blocked may lead to attempts to spam or overwhelm the blocker with messages from multiple accounts.

– Legal liability – WhatsApp limits its own liability by not getting involved in individual blocking decisions between users. A notification could expose them legally.

– Consistency – WhatsApp likely wants to standardize blocking behavior across its massive global user base, rather than customize notifications.

Overall, WhatsApp seems to prioritize user privacy, safety and discretion when it comes to blocking contacts on their platform. Their policy maintains blocking as a background process between users, rather than an officially declared status change within the app.

WhatsApp alternative notifications when blocking contacts

While WhatsApp does not directly notify users if they have been blocked, some argue there are potential alternatives that could improve the user experience:

– Send an obscured notification – WhatsApp could implement obscured notifications that don’t directly say “You’ve been blocked” but hint that messages can’t be delivered.

– Warning notification if messaging frequently – WhatsApp could send a warning notification only if a user is messaging a blocked contact frequently that messages aren’t sending.

– Auto-response to blocked users – Implement an auto-reply to any messages from blocked users explaining messages can’t be delivered.

– Temporary soft block – Introduce an intermediate “soft block” that limits messages while warning the user they risk being permanently blocked.

– Grace period before blocking – Give users a grace window where messages are limited before fully blocking them to avoid surprise cut-offs.

– Optional user preference – Allow users to opt into notifications for when they are blocked or allow them to customize blocked notifications.

– Group chat warning – Insert an obscured warning into group chats that “some messages are not visible to all participants”.

– Blocking confirmation dialog – When blocking a user, prompt the blocker to send an optional notification with custom message to the blocked user.

However, WhatsApp has so far chosen not to implement any of these notification alternatives, presumably to maximize privacy and avoid potential harassment risks. But they remain possibilities for improved experience in future updates.


In summary, WhatsApp does not currently notify users in any way if they have been blocked by a contact. This applies to both individual messaging and group chats. The blocked user is given no official confirmation or alert through the app itself or any external channel. WhatsApp’s rationale seems to be protecting user privacy and minimizing drama or harassment.

Blocked users are left to figure out their status based on indirect signals like undelivered messages, cancelled calls and disappearing profile details. While some notification alternatives have been suggested, WhatsApp has so far opted to keep blocking as a discreet background process. So if communication with one of your WhatsApp contacts unexpectedly stops, there’s a decent chance you’ve been blocked!