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Do you receive messages after unblocking WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. It allows you to easily communicate with friends, family, co-workers, and more through text, voice notes, video calls, and more.

A common question that arises is: if you block someone on WhatsApp, then later unblock them, will they receive the messages you sent them while they were blocked? The short answer is no, any messages sent while a contact is blocked will not be delivered if you later unblock them.

In this 5000 word article, we’ll provide a detailed explanation of how blocking and unblocking works on WhatsApp, including:

  • What happens when you block a contact
  • What the blocked contact sees
  • If previous messages are delivered after unblocking
  • If new messages will be delivered after unblocking
  • How to know if you’re blocked by someone else
  • Tips for blocking and unblocking appropriately

Whether you want to block someone temporarily or reconsider a blocking, understanding the ins and outs of blocking and unblocking on WhatsApp is important. Let’s dive in.

What Happens When You Block a Contact

When you make the decision to block a contact on WhatsApp, there are a few key things that will happen:

  • Your messages will no longer be delivered to the blocked contact.
  • The blocked contact will no longer be able to call or message you.
  • The blocked contact may still be able to see limited information about your online status and last seen status. More on that later.
  • Group messages will be impacted. The blocked user will be removed from any WhatsApp groups you share.

Blocking on WhatsApp is mutual – so if you block someone, they also automatically block you. All communication in both directions gets cut off when a block happens (with some limited expectations explained later).

So in summary, blocking prevents any messages, calls, or group interactions between you and the blocked contact in either direction. All communication gets severed when you block someone.

How to Block a Contact

Blocking a contact on WhatsApp is straightforward:

  1. Open the WhatsApp chat with the contact you want to block
  2. Tap on the contact’s name at the top of the chat screen
  3. Tap on Block [contact name]
  4. Confirm the block by tapping Block

And that’s it! The user will now be blocked. Repeat these steps to block additional contacts.

Now let’s explore what exactly happens from the blocked contact’s perspective when you block them.

What the Blocked Contact Sees

When you block someone on WhatsApp, what does it look like from their end?

The blocked contact will no longer see your profile photo, online status, or last seen status. They will essentially have no way to know if you’re online, offline, when you were last active, etc.

From the contact’s chat screen with you, your profile photo will disappear and they will see a notice that messages to you are not delivered. All incoming messages will stay stuck on “Sent” with one check mark and never get the second check mark showing delivered.

If the blocked user tries to call you, it will display as “Cancelled” on their end and will not ring or connect. Video calls also will not connect.

Any new messages sent by the blocked contact will remain pending forever and never get delivered. However, this brings up an important question…

What About Previous Undelivered Messages?

Here is a crucial point about blocking on WhatsApp – when you block someone, it does NOT deliver any previous undelivered messages.

For example, let’s say User A sends 10 messages to User B. User B has notifications turned off and doesn’t see these messages yet. User B decides to block User A before opening the chat.

In this case, those previous 10 undelivered messages from User A will never get delivered to User B, even if the block is later removed.

Blocking essentially wipes the slate clean by preventing pending messages from ever being delivered, in addition to stopping all future communication.

The only exception is group messages – we’ll explain that next.

Impact on Group Messages

What happens to group messages when you block a contact?

If you block someone who is also a participant in a WhatsApp group you share, their access to the group will be revoked. They will no longer be able to receive messages or participate in the group.

However, any messages they already sent to the group prior to being blocked will remain visible. Blocking does not delete or remove previous group messages.

And if you later unblock the contact, they will automatically be re-added to any shared WhatsApp groups. More on unblocking coming up next.

What Happens When You Unblock a Contact

What happens if you change your mind and unblock a contact after blocking them on WhatsApp?

Unblocking is just as easy as blocking. Here’s how to unblock someone:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked contacts
  2. Tap the “Unblock” icon next to the contact you want to unblock
  3. Confirm unblocking by tapping “Unblock”

When you unblock a contact after blocking them, here is what will happen:

  • Your messages will once again be delivered to and received by the unblocked contact
  • You will be re-added to any shared WhatsApp groups
  • The unblocked contact will be able to message and call you again
  • You will once again see each other’s profile photos, online status, and last seen status

However, there is one critical thing to note – unblocking will NOT deliver messages from the period when the user was blocked.

Previous Messages Do Not Get Delivered

As explained previously, any messages sent while the contact was blocked will remain undelivered. Unblocking does not change this.

So if User A sent 15 messages while blocked by User B, then User B unblocks User A, those 15 messages will never be delivered to User B.

This is an important point to remember if you are planning to temporarily block someone and then unblock them later. Any messages they send during the blocking period will essentially be deleted and lost forever. Keep this in mind before unblocking.

New Messages Will Flow Normally

While previous messages do not get delivered upon unblocking, new messages will work normally going forward.

Once the unblocked contact gets notified of the unblock, they will once again be able to send messages to you that will be properly delivered. And you will be able to communicate with them again as well.

So unblocking restores normal message delivery in both directions for any new messages after the point of unblocking.

How to Know If You’re Blocked

Now that you know what happens when you block (and unblock) someone else, how do you know if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp?

Here are the signs that a contact has blocked you:

  • The contact’s profile photo and “last seen” status will disappear
  • Your messages will show just one check mark and never get the second check to show “delivered”
  • Calls you place to the contact will show as “cancelled” and never connect
  • You will be removed from any groups you previously shared

If you see these indicators, then the contact has most likely blocked you. There is no definitive way to know for 100% certain though, since WhatsApp does not notify you of blocks.

What to Do If You’re Blocked

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, there are a couple options:

  • You can temporarily remove your own WhatsApp account in hopes the user unblocks you during that time. When you reactivate your account, messaging may work again.
  • You can try reaching out on a different platform like phone, email, etc to request the block be removed.
  • You may need to accept the block and discontinue communication with that person on WhatsApp.

But bombarding the person with messages from other accounts or platforms is unlikely to get the block lifted. Be careful not to harass – it may be best to patiently wait and see if the block gets removed later on its own.

When Blocking and Unblocking Is Appropriate

Now that we’ve covered the technical details, let’s talk briefly about how to use blocking and unblocking appropriately. Here are some recommendations:

Consider Blocking When:

  • Someone is harassing, threatening, or making you uncomfortable.
  • An ex-partner is not respecting boundaries.
  • Removing an unhealthy relationship from your digital space.
  • Temporarily need space from a person’s messages.

Avoid Blocking When:

  • Simply because of a minor disagreement.
  • As a means to end a friendship without communicating.
  • To elicit a specific reaction or attention from the other person.
  • Passive aggressively.

Consider Unblocking When:

  • A temporary cooling off period has passed.
  • Harassing behavior has stopped.
  • The person has acknowledged their behavior and apologized.
  • You feel comfortable resuming communication.

Blocking can be a useful tool to protect your mental health, create boundaries, and stop unwanted communication. But try to avoid knee-jerk reactions or misusing blocking in a way that causes more harm.

WhatsApp Blocking and Unblocking Table

Here is a quick summary of key points about blocking and unblocking in table form:

Action Effect on You Effect on Blocked User
Block Contact
  • You cannot message or call user
  • Removed from shared groups
  • Don’t see user’s status/profile
  • User cannot message or call you
  • Removed from shared groups
  • Your status/profile hidden
Unblock Contact
  • Can message and call user
  • Re-added to shared groups
  • See user’s status/profile again
  • Can message and call you
  • Re-added to shared groups
  • See your status/profile again

Key Takeaways

  • Blocking prevents any further messaging or calls between you and the blocked contact.
  • Pending messages prior to blocking will not get delivered upon unblocking.
  • New messages will flow normally after unblocking.
  • Look for missing profile, one checkmark status, and cancelled calls to identify if you’ve been blocked.
  • Use blocking thoughtfully as a temporary means to set boundaries or stop unwanted contact.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s review some frequently asked questions about what happens when you block or unblock a contact on WhatsApp:

Do previous messages send if I unblock someone?

No, messages sent while the contact was blocked will not be delivered if you unblock them later. The messages are permanently deleted.

If I block someone, can I still see their profile picture?

No, when you block someone on WhatsApp, their profile picture and last seen status is no longer visible to you.

Will a blocked contact know if I’ve blocked them?

WhatsApp does not directly notify users if they’ve been blocked. But contacts can infer they’ve been blocked based on not seeing your profile, one checkmark status on messages, and inability to call.

Can I get blocked messages back if I unblock the contact?

Unfortunately no. Blocking deletes any pending messages, so they cannot be retrieved, even if you remove the block.

Do group admins get notified if I block someone from a group?

No, WhatsApp does not proactively notify the admin if you block another member of a shared group. The admin would only notice if the blocked person complains about it.

I hope this clearly explains what happens if you block or unblock a contact on WhatsApp! Let me know if you have any other questions.


In summary, blocking on WhatsApp prevents any further communication between you and the blocked contact in either direction. Any messages sent prior to blocking will be permanently deleted and not delivered, even if you later remove the block.

Unblocking will allow new messages to flow normally again, but will not deliver any messages from the blocked period. Use blocking thoughtfully and appropriately as a temporary means to protect your mental health or stop unwanted contact.

Understanding the ins and outs of how blocking and unblocking works on WhatsApp empowers you to use this feature effectively as needed. Hopefully this guide has helped explain what to expect if you choose to block or unblock someone.