WhatsApp introduced the Communities feature in 2022 to help bring related groups together under one umbrella. This allows for easier organization and communication between multiple groups. When you create a Community, you become the Community admin and can add existing groups to it or create new groups within it.
What does archiving a WhatsApp Community do?
Archiving a WhatsApp Community removes it from your main Communities list in the app but keeps its contents intact. Here are the key effects of archiving a Community:
- The Community will no longer be visible in your main Communities list in WhatsApp.
- You will not receive any notifications from the Community when it is archived.
- All the groups within the Community will remain intact and can still be accessed through your main Chats list.
- Members of the groups will not be notified when you archive the Community.
- You can still find and access the archived Community under Archived chats.
In summary, archiving removes the Community from view but does not delete it or its contents. The member groups remain active and usable.
How to archive a WhatsApp Community
Archiving a Community on WhatsApp is quite straightforward:
- Open WhatsApp and go to the Communities tab.
- Tap and hold the Community you want to archive.
- Tap Archive from the popup menu.
- Confirm archiving in the prompt.
The Community will immediately disappear from your Communities list once archived.
To view your archived Communities:
- Go to Settings in WhatsApp.
- Tap Chats > Archived chats.
- Your archived Communities and individual chats will be listed here.
How to unarchive a WhatsApp Community
If you want to restore an archived WhatsApp Community and make it visible again, follow these steps:
- Go to Archived chats in WhatsApp Settings.
- Tap and hold the archived Community.
- Tap Unarchive from the menu.
- The Community will return to your main Communities tab.
Unarchiving brings the Community back to its original place so you can access it normally again. The member groups will be unaffected by both archiving and unarchiving.
Why would you want to archive a WhatsApp Community?
Here are some common reasons for archiving a WhatsApp Community:
- To reduce notifications when you are busy or need a break from the Community.
- To declutter your Communities list when you have too many Communities.
- If the Community is no longer active or relevant to you at the moment.
- To preserve the Community groups without deleting the whole Community.
- If you plan to revamp and relaunch the Community later.
Archiving provides a way to mute a Community temporarily instead of leaving it permanently.
What happens when you leave a WhatsApp Community?
Leaving or exiting a WhatsApp Community has different effects compared to archiving:
- You will no longer be able to access any of the groups under that Community.
- If you were the admin, the Community will be deleted entirely along with its groups.
- If you were a regular member, the Community and its groups will remain intact without you.
- All members of the Community’s groups will be notified when you leave.
So unlike archiving, leaving a Community removes your access to its contents. The Community may also be deleted entirely if you were the sole admin.
Can you delete a WhatsApp Community?
As the admin, you can delete a WhatsApp Community that you created. Here is how:
- Open the Communities tab and tap on the Community name to open it.
- Tap on the Community info icon at the top.
- Scroll down and tap Delete Community.
- Confirm deletion in the pop-up prompt.
Deleting a Community will also remove all the associated groups under it. Members in those groups will be notified about the Community being deleted.
So archiving is a better option if you want to preserve the Community groups. Deleting should only be done if you want to permanently erase a Community and its contents.
Can WhatsApp group admins archive chats?
Unlike Communities, individual WhatsApp groups cannot be archived by their admins or creators. However, each member of a WhatsApp group can archive the group for themselves.
When you archive a WhatsApp group as a member:
- The group will disappear from your main Chats tab.
- You will stop receiving notifications from the group.
- You can still find the group in your Archived chats.
- Other members will not be affected by you archiving the group.
So while admins cannot archive groups outright, each member has the option to archive groups to manage notifications or declutter their own chat list. The group itself remains unaffected.
Pro tips for managing WhatsApp Communities
Here are some handy tips for WhatsApp Community admins to effectively organize and manage Communities:
- Use Communities to group related clubs, societies, teams, or departments.
- Check in regularly with a Community announcement to keep members engaged.
- Enable admin approval for new members to control Community growth.
- Set Community rules and remind members to follow them.
- Use archiving if you need a temporary break from a Community.
- Unarchive inactive Communities to breathe new life into them.
- Delete Communities that have served their purpose and are no longer needed.
- Back up important Community conversations and moments.
- Promote active Communities on other platforms to attract new members.
Archiving a WhatsApp Community allows admins to mute notifications and remove it from view temporarily. The member groups remain accessible and active even while the Community is archived. This is preferable to deleting a Community when you want to preserve its contents.
Individual group members can also archive groups to control their own notifications from the group. Overall, archiving is a handy organization tool both at the Community and group level on WhatsApp. It enables temporary muting without permanent deletion.