Sending broadcast messages to multiple recipients at once can be a useful feature on messaging platforms like WhatsApp. On mobile, WhatsApp allows users to send broadcast messages to multiple contacts at the same time. However, WhatsApp’s desktop application has fewer features than the mobile app. So a common question is – can you send a broadcast message to multiple people on WhatsApp desktop?
Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not currently allow users to send broadcast messages from the WhatsApp desktop application. The broadcast message feature is only available on WhatsApp for mobile devices. There is no option to send a message to multiple contacts at once on WhatsApp desktop or Web at this time.
WhatsApp rolled out the broadcast message functionality on mobile several years ago as a way for users to easily reach many contacts at once. This can be useful for making announcements, sending invitations, sharing news, contacting teams or groups, and more.
To send a broadcast message on mobile, users simply create a new message and select multiple recipients from their contacts list instead of a single recipient. The message will then be delivered to all selected recipients at the same time.
However, this broadcast messaging capability has not been implemented on WhatsApp’s desktop platforms – WhatsApp Web and the desktop app for Mac and Windows. The desktop versions of WhatsApp currently only allow users to send messages to one recipient at a time.
There is no option to select multiple recipients or groups when composing a new message on desktop. The field for entering recipients only allows adding one contact. So it is not possible to send a broadcast message to more than one person from WhatsApp desktop or Web.
Reasons for lack of broadcast messaging on desktop
There are a few possible reasons why WhatsApp has not added the ability to send broadcast messages from desktop platforms:
- Limit potential misuse/spam – WhatsApp may wish to limit the ability to spam or inadvertently message many people at once from desktop, where it could be easier to accidentally send to a large number of contacts.
- Encourage use of mobile apps – Since broadcast messaging is a key feature exclusive to mobile apps, this may drive more users to keep engaging actively on mobile rather than relying solely on desktop.
- Technical/integration challenges – Integrating broadcast messaging into WhatsApp’s desktop and web interfaces may require significant development and code changes on the back end.
- Not a priority feature – WhatsApp may feel other desktop features are more important to develop first based on user demand and usage patterns.
While true broadcast messaging is not natively supported on desktop, there are some workarounds users can try to simulate sending a message to multiple recipients:
Send individually
The simplest option is to manually send the same message individually to each desired recipient. While time consuming, this ensures the message will reach each contact successfully.
Create a group
Users can create a new WhatsApp group with multiple contacts, then send a message to the group. All members of the group will be able to see the message.
Forward to contacts
After composing a message, users can forward it individually to each recipient they want to reach. It takes more time but allows sending the same content easily.
Use third-party apps
Some third-party tools and apps integrate with WhatsApp to enable a form of broadcast messaging. Companies like Metamorph and Chatfuel offer browser extensions or AI chatbot tools that can connect with a WhatsApp account and automate sending mass messages. However, these often have subscription fees and setup required.
Future possibilities
While limited, the current WhatsApp desktop experience meets the needs of many users looking for a convenient way to access WhatsApp on PCs and laptops. However, the platform has room to grow in terms of features.
The addition of true broadcast messaging capability could make WhatsApp desktop more robust and aligned with the mobile experience. This could happen in the future if:
- WhatsApp dedicates development resources to significant desktop improvements
- Enough desktop users request or demand the feature
- WhatsApp finds solutions for spam/misuse risks from desktop broadcasting
- Technical challenges integrating the feature are overcome
For now, WhatsApp maintains focus on improving the core messaging experience across mobile and desktop. But over time, broadcasting and other exclusive mobile features may migrate to desktop as well.
Unfortunately, WhatsApp’s current desktop and web platforms do not support sending broadcast messages to multiple recipients at once. This feature is still limited to WhatsApp’s mobile apps on Android and iOS.
While not impossible to message groups from desktop as workarounds exist, true native broadcasting is not yet available. Users eager for this capability may need to continue providing feedback to WhatsApp to prioritize its development for desktop in the future. But for now, relied on targeted messaging one contact at a time when using WhatsApp on your computer.