WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, with over 2 billion active users. One of the key features of WhatsApp is the ability to block contacts – this prevents them from messaging you or seeing when you’re online. However, a common question is whether blocked contacts can still see your WhatsApp status updates.
Can Blocked Contacts See Your WhatsApp Status?
The short answer is no, blocked contacts cannot see your WhatsApp status updates. When you block someone on WhatsApp, you completely remove them from your contacts list and prevent any form of communication from their end. This includes not only messages, but also calls and status updates.
Here’s a more detailed look at how blocking works on WhatsApp:
- When you block a contact, you are removing them entirely from your contacts list on WhatsApp.
- Since they are no longer in your contacts, blocked contacts will not be able to see your profile photo, about info, or status updates.
- You will also not be notified if a blocked contact changes their profile photo or about info.
- A blocked contact will not be able to send you any messages or call you on WhatsApp.
- If they try to send a message, it will not go through and they will not receive a “delivered” or “read” notification.
- Blocked contacts also cannot add you to WhatsApp groups.
- From their end, it will seem like you don’t exist on WhatsApp at all.
So in summary, blocking completely severs the connection between you and the other person on WhatsApp. They will have no way to see your status updates, profile info, or anything else on your account.
What Happens When You Block Someone on WhatsApp
Blocking someone on WhatsApp is straightforward:
- Open your WhatsApp chat with the contact you want to block.
- On iPhone: Tap their name at the top of the chat window and select “Block Contact”.
- On Android: Tap the 3 dot menu icon at the top right and select “Block”.
- Confirm that you want to block the user when prompted.
Once blocked, the contact will immediately disappear from your contacts list in WhatsApp. They will no longer be able to see your profile photo, status, or any other info. You also won’t be notified if they change their WhatsApp info or settings.
Blocking is permanent unless you unblock the contact. To unblock someone:
- Go to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked.
- Tap “Unblock” next to the contact you want to unblock.
- Confirm that you want to restore communication with this contact.
Unblocking restores normal WhatsApp communication between you and the contact.
Can You See a Blocked Contact’s Status Updates?
Just as blocked contacts can’t see your status updates, you also won’t be able to see the status updates of any contacts you’ve blocked.
Their profile picture, about info, and statuses will all be hidden from you after blocking them. You will only be able to see their info again if you unblock them.
Does WhatsApp Notify a Blocked Contact?
No, WhatsApp does not notify a contact when you block or unblock them. The blocking and unblocking happens secretly without the other user being alerted.
So if you block someone, they will not receive any kind of notification that they have been blocked. The only indication will be that your chat and profile will suddenly disappear from their app.
Similarly, if you unblock a contact, they will simply see your chat and profile information restore in their WhatsApp contacts without being explicitly notified about the unblock.
Can You See a Blocked Contact’s Last Seen or Online?
When you block someone in WhatsApp, you will no longer be able to see their last seen or online status. These statuses disappear from your end.
However, before blocking a contact, you can go to their chat, tap on their name at the top and then tap “View Contact Info”. This will show you their last seen time before blocking them.
Can a Blocked Contact Still Add You to Groups?
A blocked contact will not be able to directly add you to any WhatsApp groups. Since you’ve blocked them, they can no longer interact with you or your profile in any way.
However, there is an indirect way a blocked contact could potentially add you to a group:
- They create a new group or are part of an existing group
- They get another non-blocked group participant to scan your QR code or add your number to the group.
- You automatically get added even without approving it since one of the participants is not blocked.
So while a blocked contact themselves cannot add you directly, they could get someone else in a group to do it. The only way to fully prevent this is by changing your WhatsApp group settings to disable being added to groups entirely without your approval.
Can You Get WhatsApp Messages from a Blocked Contact?
It is not possible to receive WhatsApp messages, calls, or any other communication from blocked contacts. The whole point of blocking is to prevent any messages getting through.
So if someone sends you a message on WhatsApp and you’ve blocked them, it will be as if they sent it into a black hole. You will never receive the message and they will never get an indication that it was delivered or read.
The only exception is if the blocked contact uses another non-blocked number to message you – then the messages will come through.
Can a Blocked Contact See your WhatsApp Groups?
Blocked contacts will not be able to see any information about your WhatsApp groups, including the group name, members, or profile photo.
Your entire WhatsApp profile is hidden from blocked contacts, so they have no visibility into any groups you are part of. The groups will completely disappear from the blocked person’s app.
Even if the blocked contact is also a member of the same groups as you, your presence in those groups will be hidden from them after blocking.
What Happens When You Delete a Blocked Contact?
If you block a contact and then later delete them entirely from your WhatsApp contacts, they will remain blocked. Deleting a blocked contact does not automatically unblock them.
They will stay blocked unless you specifically go in and unblock them using the steps outlined earlier. Deleting the contact only removes them from your main phone contacts list.
Can You See a Deleted Contact’s WhatsApp Status?
If you delete a contact from your phone’s contact list but still have them on WhatsApp, you will be able to see their WhatsApp status updates.
Deleting the contact from your phone does not affect WhatsApp. Only blocking on WhatsApp specifically will prevent you from seeing their status.
To recap, blocking a contact on WhatsApp completely removes visibility between you and that person. They will not be able to see your profile info, status updates, or know when you’re online. You also won’t see any of their WhatsApp activity.
Blocking happens silently without notifying the blocked user. If they try to message you, those messages will not go through. The only way to restore communication is by unblocking the contact.
Overall, blocking is an effective way to prevent unwanted communication and hide your WhatsApp presence from specific contacts you want to avoid. Just be aware that there are some indirect ways a blocked person could potentially still interact with you, like adding you to groups via another member.
What Blocked Contacts CAN See | What Blocked Contacts CANNOT See |
Nothing | Your profile photo |
Your status updates | |
Your “last seen” and “online” status | |
Any of your group information | |
If you change your profile photo or info | |
Any messages they send you |
Hope this clears up how blocking works on WhatsApp! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a blocked contact see when I come online on WhatsApp?
No, blocked contacts cannot see when you come online or view any of your online statuses in WhatsApp.
If I block someone, can they tell I blocked them?
No, WhatsApp does not notify users when they have been blocked. The contact will simply see your chat and profile disappear when blocked.
Can I get messages from a contact I blocked?
No, you will not receive any messages or calls from a blocked contact on WhatsApp. Their messages will not go through.
Will a contact know if I delete them after blocking?
No, deleting a contact only removes them from your phone’s contacts list. It does not affect their blocked status on WhatsApp.
Can I get added to groups by a blocked contact?
You cannot be directly added by a blocked contact. But they could have another non-blocked member add you.
Can I view the groups of a contact after blocking?
No, you will not be able to see any information about a contact’s groups once you block them on WhatsApp.
Will my messages to a blocked contact show as delivered?
No, your messages will not be delivered and you will not see any delivery or read receipts. It’s as if you are sending messages into a black hole.
Can I see messages a blocked contact sent before blocking?
Yes, you can still see a contact’s message history prior to blocking them. Only new incoming messages will be blocked.
Is there a way to block someone without them knowing?
Yes, blocking on WhatsApp happens silently without notifying the other user. Their only indication will be your chat disappearing.
Can I get unblocked automatically after a certain time?
No, blocked contacts remain blocked indefinitely until you manually go and unblock them. There is no auto expiration for blocking.
Other WhatsApp Blocking Tips
Here are some additional tips for using WhatsApp’s blocking feature effectively:
- Check your block list occasionally to prune contacts you no longer need to block.
- Be cautious about unblocking previously blocked contacts as they may message you again.
- Blocking is generally permanent unless you unblock, so use it judiciously.
- If needed, block unknown users who are sending you spam messages.
- You can block a number or contact even without chatting first.
- Consider setting your WhatsApp privacy to not allow adding to groups to prevent blocked users re-adding you.
Blocking can help take control of your WhatsApp experience and limit unwanted communication. Use it as needed, but be aware of its limitations.
In summary:
- Blocked contacts cannot view your WhatsApp status updates
- You won’t see the status updates of those you’ve blocked either
- Blocking happens silently without notifying the other user
- Messages from blocked contacts won’t be delivered
- Blocked contacts can’t directly add you to groups, but can get others to add you
- Unblocking a contact restores normal WhatsApp communication
Hope this gives you clarity on how blocking works on WhatsApp. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!